Do not read if you are planning on playing in the current feud game. It would be cheating.
This isn’t meant to be a rant so much as it is a public service announcement, so it’s a cafe society piece.
Question #2 in the most recent feud game.
Name a type of Bourbon
I know this has been corrected in the feud thread, but clearly we as a culture have a problem if we don’t know that JD isn’t Bourbon, because it means we don’t know what Bourbon is, and Bourbon is one of the very finest of American traditions. (Non USers, I will get to why you should care in a second)
I do not want to take away from Jack Daniels, which is from a fine tradition of Tenessee Process Whiskey itself. But it ain’t Bourbon, and it is important to know the difference. Why? Well I can’t really explain it other than there are only a handful of things that are uniquely American, and Bourbon is one of them. Just as you would want to know, at least on some level, the difference between Jazz and Blues, you should know a little about our unique drinks.
If you are not an American and reading this thread, same deal. Just because we are ignorant about our own heritage (and yours) doesn’t mean you have to be!
Plus, it’s a good drink, and fighting ignorance is always a good thing.
The above is also false. Bourbon has to be made in the US, but it doesn’t have to come from Kentucky, it just usually does. Kentucky Bourbon has to come from Kentucky, but otherwise not so much. Stop the spread of misinformation!
Jack Daniels isn’t bourbon because it is charcoal filtered aka Tenessee Processed. This filtering adds the flavor of the charcoal to the drink, and renders it no longer bourbon, but an entirely different drink. Saying that they are the same is like saying that Crown Royal and Glennfiddich are the same drink.
Anyway, read about the proud history of bourbon here:
It’s American history and a darn good drink. Know your Bourbon people! Enjoy.
This angry public service announcement has been brought to you by NAF, believer in Bourbon.