Gatorade AM Commercial

I can barely fake bad middle english, there’s no hope of me faking old english.

My fiance’ thinks their somewhat racist. The black person is the serviceman for all the white folks, I guess. You can’t deny, though, that KG is the star of the commercial. He’s got more face time than anyone else.

Gatorade is a subsidiary product of PepsiCo. The Coca-Cola Company’s competing product is Powerade.

On The Daily Show, Jon Stewart commented that the only thing you would lose at night is urine, so maybe there should be some sort of Gatorade Post-Coital. The only thing I could think of that you would lose while you sleep is urine- which I presume Gatorade AM would replenish.

Although Brawndo may have electrolytes, they are not what plants crave. Besides, plants don’t even know the difference between morning and night!

The Tom Caricature

I’m not saying this is the intention of the commercial - I just pointed out that it vaguely reminds me of the Uncle Tom caricature frequently used in advertising in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, and I wondered if anyone else got that impression.

If you really don’t understand the reference, and aren’t just being deliberately obtuse, please read the article.

Nothing racist,just historical correctness harkening back to when that old milk van was new. When I was growing up in Omaha in the '50s and ‘60s, the various local dairies’ milkmen and the Omar Bread drivers wore that type of uniform.

You youngsters :smack: !

Isn’t one of the people he’s delivering to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar?

But…Brawndo’s got what plants crave… :confused:

I don’t recall off the top of my head anyone other than KG, Mia Hamm and Peyton Manning. It’s possible.

I don’t know why you think my age would have anything to do with it. I didn’t say the costume wasn’t authentic. It’s not the uniform per se, it’s that black men in white uniforms were a common stereotype of the “subsurvient black man” image used in advertising during the period you’re referring to.

I’m not the only one who recognizes this association. Dave Chappelle played an Uncle Tom-ish milkman character in one of his well-known sketches. [Appears about 1/3 way into the sketch]

Again, I doubt it was Gatorade’s intention, but it still gives me a bad vibe when I see that commercial.

Good thing we have this commercial. Otherwise, I might be able to watch TV for a whole 20 minutes without seeing a goddamned Manning boy.


Yes, watering his lawn I believe.

My mistake- Stewart hypothesized you lose semen. Urine was my suggestion.

…He’s dressed as a milk man. Seriously. WTF. The reference is to Milk Men NOT to Uncle Tom. If you want to see racism in it at least admit its YOUR issue and has nothing to do with the commercial.