Gays = 80% of serious STDs?

. . . at least in SoCal, that appears to be the case (from today’s article on

And Esprix, I can’t figure out what kind of math you’re using. Put it this way: there’s a hundred people in a room, ten of whom are wearing pink t-shirts. Now throw ten red marbles into the room and see who picks them up. Now take a survey–what do you know, eight of the people who picked up the marbles have pink t-shirts, two of them don’t. Hey, that’s eighty percent. I think your mistake is you’re acting as if the overall population of the US had some bearing on the question, when the population you should be looking at is much more restricted–just the number of STD cases out there. The OP is asking–quite legitimately, Wanker the Stain notwithstanding–whether gays contribute a hugely disproportionate amount to a very small number of STD cases out there.

Wanker the Stain? Zarathustra, I’ve had to intercede in this thread twice, and you have to know better than that. Consider yourself on thin ice.

This thread is closed. And it’s a pity, because handy posted cites and everything.