Gears of War 3 anyone?

Just finished act 1. Game is fun. Only two complaints so far.

Cole is way too “Action Black”. You know what I mean.

Retro Lancer sucks ass.

Playing through this game in multiplayer co-op. Loving the game and the story so far (just starting Act IV). I am, I admit, a big fan of the series in general and I find the dialogue hysterical (which makes a nice break from the seriousness of the surroundings).

A gun I only pick up if I’m in serious ammo trouble. It works best if you fire in small bursts rather than rapid fire. I hate the melee on it, too. I can’t tell you how many times I charged right past the enemy only to take a punch or shotgun blast to the back.

I’m headed to GameStop tonight. I may be picking this up.

Even if you like the dialogue you gotta admit Cole is over the top IN YO FACE BLACK!

Okay, I DID pick it up. I’ll be sending invites out through the SDMB Gamertag where the party has room.

No doubt. But he’s like a caricature. I still find him amusing, and I always get a small moment of glee when Cole first appears in each of the GoW games. Yes, I know I’m a dork. But he’s the COLE TRAIN, Baby! Whooo!

I’m with you on Cole, but I haven’t had any issues with Retro Lancer.

What I do take issue with is the controls and the movements in the game. They are so Duke Nukem Forever it’s ridiculous. Really, I need to push X to climb a ladder? I couldn’t just push up? Really, you couldn’t just copy the fairly intuitive controls from the Call of Duty games?

Completely re-learning a new control scheme makes the game less enjoyable for me, and clunky interfaces really make it tough to like. See, I didn’t mind this in DNF because I wasn’t expecting great things, but for the next big thing it’s really a buzz kill.

Having no experience with the series, I’d say the game is doing its best to bring me up to date, but some things remain unexplained and are therefore confusing. i understand that long, drawn-out explanations wouldn’t be fair to the people who played the first two games, so I guess i’ll have to do some homework.

Gears of War is an established franchise with it’s own mechanics. It’s been around for something like 5 years now. Why would they change anything about the fundamental control scheme now?

And up=forward on this game. It also means forward on CoD but the difference is you can look up ladders on CoD. Can’t really do that on GoW due to third person perspective.

Don’t get me wrong. The controls aren’t perfect. I think the roadie run is kind of unwieldy alot of the time and you take corners too slowly when doing it.

ETA I do sympathize though. When I played Battlefield the first time last year I couldn’t understand why on earth you couldn’t go prone. Still don’t understand that really.

I’m fine with all of that. But DNF got savaged for its controls, with people saying that they were horribly dated for a game in development for so many years. these controls are so similar that I think the Duke team must have cribbed from them.

Whatever. I suppose I’ll get used to them. but seriously, pushing a separate button to climb a ladder? How annoying.

Now that the beta for Battlefield 3 is out, I see why you couldn’t go prone before and why you shouldn’t go prone again: the game is already too campy.

By the way, I highly recommend the alternate control scheme, it completely solves that pesky issue of accidently getting sucked into cover while running. Takes a little bit to get used to but it makes you much better in multiplayer.

Yeah, this game is pretty solid. It seems like they’ve fixed the host shotgun problems, but there’s still the problem of modded controllers and rapid fire. Fortunately, I’ve only heard about those problems and have yet to see them personally.