Gee, thanks Obama!!

Checking the mail today, I see I have yet another medical bill. Upon seeing it, I exclaim to myself: “Another one?! I thought I paid all these!”

So when I get into the house, I open the letter with clinched jaw. To my surprise it wasn’t a bill, it was a check for a $150. The letter stated that after reviewing my records, I’m due a refund.
Ya’ see, it’s that damn Obamacare giving away that free money. What’s this country coming too?

//Doesn’t really have Obamacare.:smiley:

That Obama! Always giving away free money to people whom I assume are lazy deadbeats (otherwise why would Obama be sending money?)!!!

Well, don’t just sit there. Now that you’ve got some money, go out and create a job.

My rate went down by about 10 or 12 dollars a month. That’s the first time I can ever recall that happening.

Maybe you can donate it to a billionaire who really needs the money so he can create more jobs?

Y’ see, they were right. He is a socialist.

The country is going to hell in a hand basket.

Not only that, but he gave me a day off with pay. Okay, it’s traditional (federal civilian non-postal employees have almost always gotten December 26 off when it is on a Friday, and December 24 when it is on a Monday), but at least nobody complained about “another of his Executive Orders”.

Is that ACA/Democrat math? :confused:

You received a refund. That means you were overcharged and you overpaid. Someone gave you your own money back. You should thank that person.

The OP was a joke son.

Dad? That was hilarious.