Gee, you're the neighbors I want!

She stated she was going to go look into getting a PO Box today. I went to the USPS website and they’re pretty affordable for what she needs. Originally I had suggested just making sure she stops mail when up at the cabin, but after the hoohah Sunday - no. I haven’t spoken with her tonight, but presume I will in the morning and will double check whether she made the switch or not.

When the neighbors first moved in they seemed pretty decent. Mom welcomed them, always said hello, was actually quite interested in learning about their culture. However, at that time there were only 5 people living in the three bedroom house. As noted in the OP there are now 12, we think. Mom stated this afternoon that is supposedly a newborn, but she hasn’t heard/seen her in a week. The baby’s mother is the chronic urinator and for the first two weeks the baby was always in a sling on her back. She and the little boy are still sleeping in the shed.

Mom does have a very nice 6’ privacy fence, which works when she’s in the basement. The house is a split level and her kitchen window overlooks their entire backyard and side of the garage/garbage area. The deck also overlooks their backyard. The kitchen is the heart of her home. We used to go over and just sit at the kitchen table all night, playing cards and yammering. Much to her dismay we’re now having to sit on the “company” sofa (IOW only company can sit there).

WRT the Sunday episode - I was talking to a friend whose hubby is a cop in a neighboring city. He also suggested she call and talk to the lead cop that was at her door and further explain the situation. He wants her to take the initiative, but stated he would also put in a word. My sister and her husband are fairly active in another neighboring city police force (as reserves) and stated they would get the word out. My eldest nephew lives less than a mile from her and is over almost every day, as she babysits his kids. He stated he would make more of an effort to swing by when he’s not working. My youngest nephew also stated he would be more of a presence. AND mom confirmed she paid up the security company for another year.

When Dad died she promised to stay in the house a year. It’s almost a year and a half. The neighborhood is changing and she believes she cannot trust any neighbors (there are a few who will step in if need be, I know, but she doesn’t believe it). The only place she wants to move to is the cabin, but how the hell will she fit a 2500 square foot home into a 1000 square foot cabin? Thats beside the fact that it would need a lot of work to be year around livable and she would be an hour away. She is not wealthy, the housing market sucks, and she doesn’t want to be forced out of her home.

There is a community action group - I will call them tomorrow. For the most part they tend to deal with the other side of the city which is well known for it’s gang activity. Adding to it all, Mom feels that because the neighbors are relatively recent immigrants much of what she complains about is explained as “cultural differences”. When I was talking to the social worker (when I called CPS), she confirmed that some issues get explained away in that manner.

Yanno, my mom is a tough old bird. She’s been through quite a bit in the past 5 years. Granted, the neighbors have been through a hell of a lot, leaving a war torn country, attempting to assimilate to an extent, learn the language, but I guess I don’t really give a rats’ ass about what they’ve been through. They’re fucking with my mom.

It is sort of hard to feel sorry for them as immigrants if they can make illegal 911 calls.

I hope the police and the community action group can help her.

Peeing on the fence isn’t a cultural difference :frowning:

I don’t understand why CPS won’t do anything about a child sleeping in a garden shed! :confused:

I was going to post that you should get a surveillance cam, too. Thing is, let’s say your mom actually sees them take the mail one day. 1) It’s her word against theirs, and 2) she’s a questionable witness because of the senility issue.

Likewise, I think it would be good to get her a simple-to-use camera because you can’t have a (fixed) camera pointed at every spot where they might do something.

I’d be sly and surreptitious about it…you wouldn’t want them to take it as a challenge because they outnumber her. Catch them dead to rights, with ample evidence, before putting the smackdown on them.

Finally, if possible, could you sound out the other neighbors? If it isn’t only your mom they’re hassling (and it probably isn’t), then it isn’t just her word against theirs.

Fuck their differences: pissing on a fence and putting your kid out in the shed at night isn’t “culture” and it’s against the laws here in America. Japanese immigrants don’t commit seppuku if they are embarrassed by their boss; Chinese immigrants don’t go around building giant stone walls around their property; Celtic immigrants don’t make a Wicker Man every solstice and burn their undesirable neighbors.

America sets the bar pretty fucking low for what is and isn’t acceptable behavior. The neighbors need to meet the rest of us halfway, or go home.

Well … MOST of us don’t. :smiley:

When it comes to conflicting cultural differences, I like General Napier’s take on it, when he was stationed in colonial India and came up against the practice of sati:

You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours.

If there are twelve people living in that house, that may be a violation of a housing code. I know that some of the Virginia counties were cracking down on people for doing that.

Are they renters or owners? That could make a difference as the landlord or owner could be fined for violations of zoning. If they are using the yard as a toilet, it would be a safe bet to assume that they are probably trashing the property, os it could be in the landlord’s interest to come in and check.

We’ve had neighbor and neighborhood problems - tho nowhere near as bad as your mom’s. It can be a really REALLY tough situation. As I see it, you basically have 3 options:

  1. Figure out how to live with it, making reasonable changes as necessary. This would involve getting a locking mailbox/PO Box, installing a security camera or 2, and basically turning a blind eye to that whole side of your property. Your ability to enjoy your home on your own terms will be somewhat reduced, but dealing with the neighbors will not become the defining aspect of your life.
  2. Go to war. The goal here is to try to get the neighbors to change their behavior, and to allow you to continue living as you had, and wish to continue. Call the cops/authorities every time there is a problem. Get a PO Box, install cameras and motion detectors. Some people may get some satisfaction out of this approach, by feeling they are not allowing themselves to get pushed around. But it requires a constant effort.
  3. Move. Many folk oppose this route, thinking “But they will have WON!” I say, who cares? No one is keeping score. And if you end up in a situation that is just as good or better, then aren’t you the one who will have won?

We’ll be moving next year after my youngest finishes HS. It doesn’t seems as tho your mom has any such impediments. IMO it is time your mom started thinking about how she wishes to style her future years. Does she want to keep fighting with the neighbors in an attempt to hold on to memories in a changing neighborhood? Or does she want to take positive steps to create the best possible future for herself?

The problem with moving is that she’s not likely to sell or get a good price on the house due to the neighbors. If she abandons the property before selling it it is guaranteed they will trash it.

Yeah, none of the options are without cost - either monetary or emotional.

Sometimes crappy things happen to you through no fault of your own, and you do not have the option of simply having it “go away” at no cost to you. And tho there are remedies available, they generally do a pretty poor job of “making you whole” in terms of putting things back “as they were before.”

Robbinsdale? Brooklyn Center? If it is Anoka County a good friend of mine is a cop up there.

It’s one of the Brooklyns.

I called the police as a follow up this morning, but the incident has not been entered into their system yet. I guess Sunday was hopping. I asked the desk clerk “You mean the tale of 6 police against an old lady with a lawn mower hasn’t made the rounds?” cough

Talked to Mom - she has not gone to the post office yet, but swears she will get to it. I asked if, on Sunday, she let the police know what was going on with the neighbors, but they wouldn’t listen to her (“He just kept harping on my having a phone card! I have no need for a phone card!”)

WRT video cameras - the VCR still blinks 12:00. Yes, I said VCR. She would either lose entire days just watching it, or would never turn it on.

On the positive side, Mom says since Sunday the police have been driving past a few times a day. This morning, around when the bus comes for the neighbor kids, a squad parked between her and the neighbors and just waited for the kids to come out. After the kids got on the bus, he pulled away.

There is a community action group in her city run in conjunction with the police department and housing. I gave Mom the number, and will follow up again in a few days.

Hennepin county then. Bummer. Were the cops plugging their ears and saying “LA-LA-LA-LA” when she spke with them?

Uh, yes it is. In Cameroon, at least, you are allowed to pee pretty much wherever. People are supposed to go off the beaten track to poop, although sometimes this just means the side of the road, and babies poop wherever, though it is promptly cleaned up. Even among Americans it’s pretty common at parties or when having friends sleeping over to say “oh, go ahead and pee in the yard if you like.” There are cockroaches and snakes in latrines at night and you probably don’t want to go there. And for many people used to outdoor latrines, doing your business indoors feels dirty. Because of the climate there is no stink from these practices. I knew a guy working for a dollar a day in Mali who visited Amsterdam and could have moved there. He chose not to because he couldn’t deal with the “you can’t piss just anywhere” thing. Luckly he didn’t have people trying to kill him, so he could choose to stay home.

You’d be in the same problem in their country. In Cameroon, I could not bring myself to sweep my yard every day. Even a sprinkle of fallen leaves is seen there like a pile of festering garbage. But fuck, I just can’t bring myself to spend half an hour sweeping when more leaves are just going to fall in a few minutes. This upset people so much they’d come in when I wasn’t home and sweep it. But it was one of my few “I’m an American and I’m gonna act like one” moments.

Sleeping in the shed also has some explaination. Where I was the head of household lives in the main house, wives live in single detached rooms (much like sheds- down to the “no windows”, ventilation is thought to make you sick) with their children and sometimes there is another room for any young men in the family. There are also certain times when a woman is supposed to go back to her family home for a time (for example, after childbirth.) A woman may feel more comfortable with the privacy that a detaced room would give. A garden shed with a concrete floor and tin roof might even be seen as deluxe accommodations compared to the normal gravel floor and straw roof.

I’m sure Cameroonians thought I was nuts when I used my storage room as an indoor kitchen. Why didn’t I just cook outside like a normal person instead of over a gas stove that could blow up the whole neighborhood any minute? And how did I think I was going to survive dry season without a storeroom full of millet?

The bigger question is, why is your mom paying this much attention to where her neighbors are sleeping? Peeing on fences is one thing, but peeping into people’s yards at night and noting where they choose to sleep is not really needed.

Anyway, at some point they will need to learn American practices (and obviously they’ve gone way over the line with their retaliation). But I don’t know that calling the police and trying to get their kids taken away was the way to do things. You’ve got yourself in a little war here over some simple culture problems. And at this rate it’s just going to get worse and nobody wins.

There are organizations in most cities dedicated to helping refugees get the hang of their new culture. I know some people who have worked for groups like this, and they do a lot of good- they help people figure out how to get their kids in school, deal with a new culture, learn the language, see their new country, etc. I bet if you contacted them, they could come down and help you resolve this in a way that isn’t about attacking each other and leads to everyone understanding where the other is coming from and finding a way that people can be happy.

Anyway, I don’t mean to say the complaints aren’t valid- they are. Just that there may be better organizations than the police for fixing this. Really, please look into this.

The Lord will smite your orchards!!!

Yes, you may want to ring 362-436

Sorry even sven, this was this first thing that came to mind when I read your next to last sentence.

even sven, I don’t have any Somali neighbors and probably never will, but thanks for sharing your experience. Ignorance fought.

I wouldn’t sweep leaves either. Or wash my stoop. Isn’t it the Dutch who are fanatical about clean stoops?