Geekiest thing that doesn't exist

Shoot, I’d be happy with a clamshell that gave the Star Trek Communicator Tweet ™ when I flipped it open.

I kinda thought the interface computer hand-thingy in Minority Report was pretty cool.

I also want one of those cellphones from 24. You know the ones that get downloads of huge files, like building master plans, in seconds, never lose their charge, get reception everywhere.

My husband has been looking for a Soundwave transformer toy, but hasn’t had much luck. Personally, I think a Soundwave (or heck, Frenzy) mp3 player would be pretty neat.

In my perception (FWTW):
Geeks are doers, joiners, trend-setters or -followers, people who live in the present or future.
Nerds are dreamers, loners, ignore or abhor trends, and live in the past or in their own worlds.

I have a communicator that looks and sounds like the prop.

And then there is this:

Uncool? That’s just about the last definition that springs to mind when I hear “geek” lately. Intelligent, interested in stuff, up with the latest technology… these are the things I think of when I think of a geek. Since the whole world now has a computer addiction, the “uncool” label seems less relevant than it did a decade or two ago.

Dagnabit, I want a cell phone that I can strap to my wrist like a watch! Put a digital readout for time on it, a nice band, whatever – I’d even settle for a gauntlet-type.

I always wear a watch, no matter what. I carry a cell phone most of the time, but I do forget to take it on the mornings that I’m moving by auto-pilot.

Give me my cell-phone in a watch format! :cool:

A Cenobite Cube (as long as it doesn’t actually summon Cenobites :smiley: )
A glass and brass replica of Josephine’s music box from Dark Shadows. (Not that cheap plastic replica that came out a few years back)

yeah I’m just bitter. I’m so sick of hanging out with engineers and web 2.0 people. I love being on the interwebs when its just me but when I’m out with friends I do NOT want to talk about computer garbage.

You can make it with a Wii remote.

On Boston Legal, Denny Crane’s cellphone makes that sound when he flips it open. :slight_smile:

Anymore, “geek” and “nerd” mean “uncool loser” to roughly the same extent “gay” means “stupid”: It’s a usage that tells you far more about the person speaking than the person being spoken about.

There is no difference in meaning between “geek” and “nerd”, to the extent everyone seems to know what it is but no two people can even agree on the basics. Language is about communication and words that mean something different to each individual communicate nothing.

As far as Star Trek communicators go, this company has a system that’s pretty close for use in hospitals: Vocera

Pretty friggin’ sweet!


An earlier attempt at finding the truth of geeks and nerds.

Consensus seems to be that geeks are interested in trivia and stuff with little real-world application, like Star Wars and D&D and that kind of thing. Nerds are interested in things with more application, such as natural or computer sciences.


You can get it as a ringtone, among other trek ringtones.
but I’m not yet able to find it as an ‘open channels’ tone

Toys R Us reissued Soundwave six months ago. It’s quite possible to get one.

There exists, as of last year, a japanese Soundwave MP3 player that takes Micro-SD chips. Frenzy and Rumble are the earphones.

I should think a holodeck would top any geek’s wish list.

Don’t even MENTION that. There’s a rumor the Powers that Be might decide we need that in the library.

We know it’s out there, it’s just never in stock when we go to the store.

Actually, right along with Mr. Adams’ concerns about the holodeck, “Holodiction” is a psychological concern in ST:TNG and the later series, where a person’s ability (or inclination) to interact with real people in the real world atrophies due to the addictive qualities of the Holodeck (see Lieutenant Barclay). Supposedly, you can get so addicted to the Holodeck, that you may fail to realize that you AREN’T in real life anymore.