Too trivial for GQ,GD, or IMHO…
Fellow Dopers, I need your help to fight EVILDOERS.
More specifically, I am about to start playing in an online Champions RPG game. But there’s this neat concept, the superteam is made up of devout Catholics, patterned after an order of crusading knights. My character is a mutant able to see the near future, which makes her incredibly adaptable and fast in combat.
All well and good, here’s the catch. My ninja nun needs a ranged weapon bad. But what weapon would be ‘genre’ for her. I mean, Batman has his batarangs 'cos he’s a bat, Green Arrow has green arrows, because (wait for it), he’s Green Arrow!! But what would a crusading knight have as a ranged weapon that accessorized well?
My caffiene-starved brain vaugely remembers an early firearm, used by the Church, that looked like a mace but fires what looked like primitive buckshot. I can’t remember anything more about it and it may be a figment of my imagination. But I know that somewhere, some Doper knows the truth and can enlighten me. Just the name of such a weapon should be enough for me to find it on the Internet.
Anyway, thanks in advance for any help y’all can give me. It must be lack of sleep that causes me to reveal my true geekiness before you. I better post this before I come to my senses…