Gene Wilder has died

Gene Wilder has died. 2016 claims another victim.

No waaaaay! I didn’t realize he was ill!

I grew up knowing him from Willy Wonka and Young Frankenstein. Everything he was in was a classic, though.

From what I’ve read about the making of Willy Wonka, he actually was as kind and gentle as he seemed on screen (at least to the kids in the movie).

Sorry forgot link -
Pure Imagination -

I love how dangerous his Wonka was.

I’ve been in love with him ever since reading Gilda Radner’s biography.

Gene and Gilda: Together Again

He even made an impression in his first screen appearance in Bonnie and Clyde.

He was an amazing actor. One of my favorite scenes was in Woody Allen’s Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask). He played a doctor who’s patient is in love with a sheep. The man brings the sheep into Wilder’s office, and, without words, Wilder showed he was falling in love with her. Great acting to make that work.

Damn! He was underappreciated. He wrote most of the screenplay for Young Frankenstein, and it was incredibly literate. I loved him ever since I first saw a pre-release clip from the original The Producers.

Besides all the movies, he was the voices (including the stomach’s) in a series of 1960s advertisements for Alka SEltzer.
And – his real name was Jerome Silberman? First time I’ve read that.

That’s “Fronk-en-steen.”

No. I reject this as a reality.

I chuckled…

Seemed like a nice guy who lead a good life…

We should all be so lucky (or strive so hard to be so…).


What’s a dazzling urbanite like you doing in a rustic setting like this?

Just before Mike Teevee gets transmitted: “Stop. Don’t. Come back.” The dryness that Wilder used made the scene.

Instead of Depp, they should have got Christopher Walken for C&tCF. He’s about the only other one than Wilder than could pull off the facade of calm menace that Wonka has.

We are the music-makers…we are the dreamers of dreams.

If God had meant for us to walk he wouldn’t have made rollerskates.

So much time, so little to do. No, wait…reverse that.

What is this, Wonka…a funhouse?
Why? Are you having fun?

A truly beautiful man.

(Jumping up and down) SON OF A BITCH!!

(Fairly obscure Silver Streak reference.)

“Son of a bitch!”

Not that obscure. You ninja, you.

I just had a conversation earlier this month where I thought he was already dead.

Kinda mad I’m wrong now.

“Are we dead?”

“I don’t know. Are we black?”

RIP, Frisco.

Maybe he caught the Mens Rea. :frowning:

Thanks for all the laughter, Mr. Wilder. I’ve never laughed as hard as I did when I first saw Blazing Saddles.