Genital mutilation of young girls. But it's a religious thing!

Wouldn’t that preclude you from replying to this thread as well?

Double standards.

With only two prosecutions in 18 years(and one of those from other charges, which means only one real prosecution) I don’t think underreporting is the main problem here.

Are you saying it’s not being prosecuted? Why would that be?

When someone is doing something because they believe it is prescribed by their religion, they are often doing it solely because they believe that’s what their supposed to do because their god or prophet commands it. IME, that seems to be the case with male circumcision among Jews and Muslims. I see no reason to believe it’s not the same for many Muslims that are having Type 1a FGM performed on their daughters.

Some Muslims belief it may enhance sexual pleasure:

And even that that was Muhammad’s intent:

It does help some women.

Before someone accuses me of condoning the practice, I will state that I definitely do not. What I’m doing is making the case that it’s not necessarily done by some Muslims to take away pleasure.

Since Type 1a FGM is on par with male circumcision, talking about it to a degree is not a hijack.

I don’t know, but with hundreds of thousands of cases happening I find it extremely hard to believe there were only TWO prosecutable cases.

Wow. I had no idea it was so prevalent.

You’re right: it was a low blow (no pun intended). I apologize.

Presumably a fear of being called “Islamophobic” (or maybe even a fear of being targeted for violence by Islamists), and/or a misguided idea of what freedom of religion does and does not entail.

Accepted; big of you to recognize this and apologize.

Thanks, Spice Weasel.

No, you can’t. It’ll never happen, and I’ll tell you why. FGM isn’t controversial. We’re all on one side of it. It’s uninteresting to talk about on the Internet. “Hey, FGM is bad.” “Yep.” End of thread.

Male circumcision is provocative. It gets the people goin’. Ergo, every thread deviates.

It’s like a Pirates World Series victory…just never going to happen.



I’ve read lots of articles about the horrors of female circumcision. Every one of them included stories about particular women. Not one of those exemplar women had had the clitoral hood trimmed. Maybe that gets done, but that’s not the surgery that provokes outrage.

Most female “circumcisions” involve cutting off a large part of the clitoris. Many also involve removing a chunk of the labia and sewing everything up so there’s barely room for urine to drip out.

When we start seeing little boys who have the whole external penis removed, along with all the lose skin of the ballsack, I will be plenty outraged. Whatever you think of trimming a bit of foreskin (male or female) you should be outraged by the typical female genital mutilation.

Fun fact: I once had a (male) kitten circumcised. He had inflammation and swelling, and couldn’t pee. The circumcision saved his life. The parts of the world where male circumcision arose are dusty places, where intact men sometimes develop the same problem. The US Army did a lot of emergency, medically necessary, circumcisions during the Iraq war. If you don’t have modern medicine, it’s a lot safer to circumcise infants and boys than to do it to adult men, especially adult men who have already developed dangerous inflammation. That’s almost certainly the historical reason the custom of male circumcision arose.

Female cutting, in contrast, is all about controlling female sexuality. It increases the risk of infection and death. Yeah, spare me stories of the hypothetical clitoral hood cut. I don’t actually care if someone is doing that to her girl child. I do care if they are cutting off her clit.


I care about all of it. The existence of (yes) worse things does not make bad things okay.

That’s fine, but quit hijacking threads about FGM. While the procedures may both be wrong, the issues surrounding it are completely different. Got it? (If you must, start a new thread)

It has nothing to do with not “caring about all of it”. It has to do with not being a thread-shitting douchebag.

Puzzlegal is there a typical FMG?

(Bolding mine)

The WHO seems to disagree with you, unless if by “many” you mean approximately one tenth of the victims. Cite.


(bolding mine)
Given the prevalence of male circumcision among American and Muslim men, I find this hard to believe.





EDIT: Don’t bother. I have one:

Certainly, if it’s done under non-sterile conditions with primitive tools and materials. However, comparing the risk of infection after massive female genital cutting in e.g. rural Somalia with a glass shard and using thorns to sew up the vagina afterwards, with male genital cutting done in a Western hospital under sterile conditions and with the access to modern antibiotics and then ascribing the difference to the sex of the child who is mutilated is pretty stupid.

The “hypothetical” clitoral hood cut is the type of cut the OP started over. Capiche?

You realize you are asking them to Let Someone Be Wrong On The Internet. They will make it all about their cause no matter what.

Since this thread started over cases of FGM type 1a, talking about male circumcision is relevant for multiple reasons. The OP was originally outraged, but when a mod made him aware that it can be comparable to other forms of circumcision that are legal, he seems to admit his outrage may have been premature and needed some education he may get in this thread, and that can’t happen without comparisons being made. Also, since the story linked to in the OP is regarding an arrest for what some see as being an analogous procedure routinely and legally performed on male babies, talking about it isn’t a hijack.

  1. I think FGM, to any degree, is abhorrent. Obviously, the more severe and complete it is, the more monstrous the practice becomes.

  2. I also think male circumcision is an abhorrent practice, but that FGM, both for reasons of human biology as well as the patriarchal societies in which it predominates, is a much more pressing issue in 2017.

  3. That said, I agree with the jist of the complaints expressed below:

  1. Unfortunately, the thread which Spice Weasel created was situated in GD. That thread is now (as it inevitably would be) locked.

  2. With that in mind, I have created a new thread where male circumcision can be freely discussed, and this thread can remain focused on FGM. Everybody wins!

All of you are assholes.