George Floyd biopic in the works

I wasn’t sure where else to put this, so here it is. It just didn’t feel right for Cafe Society.

In short, his daughter Gianna and her mother are planning to executive-produce a biopic about him, and the feedback I’ve seen has, TBH, mostly been negative.

Negative in what sense? They fear it’s going to be bad? They think it’s dishonoring his memory? They object to movies about Black people and Civil Rights? What’s the issue?

Sincere question, this is my first time hearing about it.

It seems like the biopic could have balance to it as it’s described. The article infers they’re trying to get the audience to support a civil rights bill. I can see how some political groups could potentially see the motive of legislation as negative. I don’t align with the political groups but rather would go to see the film.

Mostly that it would make a man who was definitely not a saint, look like one in the movie, although certainly not the first time that’s been done.

Was there anything remarkable about his life other than his death?

I think what you might mean is he didn’t do anything else that was broadcast around the world during his lifetime. He made a rap album with a group that didn’t catch on. I can’t remember anything else except the family he had.

Yeah, that’s what I find a bit…skeptical about this movie. It’s one thing to make someone a biopic when they’ve been an activist their whole life and get killed, like MLK. It’s another thing to make a biopic out of someone whose life was completely unremarkable except for the last 10 minutes prior to death, as if he had been some sort of hero activist for decades.

Sort of similarly, nine years ago, the film Fruitvale Station was released. It was about the last day in the life of Oscar Grant, who was killed by a traffic officer in California.

My point is that it’s possible to make a worthwhile film without falsely portraying him as a “hero activist” or a “saint.”

Sure, but not when it’s being produced by the subjects daughter and mother.

Yeah, Floyd was a low level criminal. Not a dangerous, one living the life of non violent misdemeanors.

Yeah- the cop who killed him was a murderer. Floyd maybe deserved a night in the pokey nor the death penalty.

But he was no hero.

Assuming this film actually gets produced (and that’s a big if), we don’t yet know how it will portray him. So let’s not rush to judgment just yet.

There’s also some chatter that he did at least one porno, or at least a sex tape that leaked out.

The ending would make me cry.

Did he change the world though? If Trump gets elected you can argue he didn’t.

I suppose there’s an argument that his death indirectly led to Trump’s 2024 victory.