George Will says vote Dem in November

There are lots of conservatives in this position. A partial list of anti-Trump Republicans: George W. Bush, Jonah Goldberg, Bill Bennett, Condoleeza Rice, Ben Sasse, Paul Ryan, James Glassman, Bill Kristol, Linda Chavez, Mona Charon, Jay Nordlinger, Max Boot, Mike Murphy, Glenn Beck, David Brooks, Ross Douthat, David Frum, Eric Erickson, the late Charles Krauthammer, Daniel Pipes, John Podhoretz, Richard Epstein, Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin Stephen Hayes, Kevin Williamson, Charles CW Cooke…

There are many others. Will isn’t an outlier - he’s representative of roughly half of the Republican party’s movers and shakers.

The big gain in Trump support didn’t come from Republicans - it came from blue-collar Democrats who felt disaffected by the Demoxrat party’s turn away from working class issues and towards identity politics and hard leftism. It’s a new coalition - not an expansion of the old one.