George Zimmerman - In the news again

George Zimmerman’s made the news again

What a swell guy.

*We interrupt this program to bring you an important news update.

George Zimmerman, who last year was found not to have broken the law, was interviewed by police today and found not to be breaking the law again. Are your children at risk?

Further updates as they happen.

We now return you to Celebrity Mud Wrestling, starring Tanya Harding.*


Announcement: In case anyone thought otherwise, nobody’s accusing Zimmerman of having broken the law.

I like Shodan’s synopsis better than I like the presumably sarcastic “swell guy,” comment. Shodan is exactly correct: Zimmerman broke no law, did nothing wrong, and yet somehow garners from aClockworkMelon a vague insinuation of wrongdoing.

No. But at the same time, your comment – imprecise as it is – creates an impression of questionable, shifty conduct on his part.

You are, of course, absolutely right. He did nothing wrong.

So why are you following that concession with a link to the Tim Burton Batman theme?

You do get that AClockworkMelon is implying that Z-man is acting out some “secreet vigilante for justice” fantasy/delusion, right?

Not illegal, I guess, but sitting in an alley in a dark truck, armed, with no legitimate permission to be there is just stupid, and seems to be part of a pattern for Z-man.

Somebody get this dumbass off the street and give him a night time security guard job protecting a container storage yard.

That’s what I found interesting. After he killed that kid, I would have thought he would no longer want to be a security guard/cop-wannabe but this story indicates he still has the same desire/drive/fantasy. The psychology is interesting.

There are lots of non-illegal things that are nonetheless creepy.

Having been found innocent, I have to assume he feels that his efforts to keep the city safe are working, and any attempt on the part of the prosecution to imply he murdered an innocent teenager were desperate attempts to make a case out of nothing. Has he come out and said “actually, I don’t really think he was doing anything wrong; he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time”? That seems unlikely.

Seriously, if the owner of the shop had let it be known that George would be sitting in the alley, armed and waiting for miscreants, I have to think that the miscreants would find someplace else to break into.

And if this news affiliate reports on a tenth of them, they won’t have room for much else.


Even though he was found innocent, some people would be shaken by the experience (if not of having taken a life, then surely of the arrest and trial) so that they might change their behavior. I’ve heard even experienced police officers are affected by their involvement in a shooting death.

This George Zimmerman - Wikipedia says that he was in the JROTC because he wanted to be a Marine. Do we know why that didn’t happen?

He graduated high school in 2001. For a vigilante who aspires to be a Marine officer, is there a better year than 2001 to sign up or go to college and then sign up?

I’ll take a shot - perhaps he is color-blind?

That is a complete non-sequitur. Even granting that it is is true that he has broken no law, plenty of well informed people believe that Zimmerman has done a great deal of wrong. Even if not technically a murderer, he is a known killer of humans.

And plenty of people believe in UFOs or that Obama was born in Kenya - in court, it’s not what you believe, it’s what you can prove.

If this thread experiences a change of venue and all we find ourselves in court, you will have a hell of a point.

Is that a mundane pointless belief of yours, VT, that you must share?

The article that is cited as the source for reporting his Marine aspirations says he was obsessed when he was 14 with becoming a Marine. Lots of people change their minds from when they were 14. I wanted to be a major league baseball player. I have seen nothing else other than that. So??