George's and Al's succession

Bush or Gore becomes permanently incapacited or dies during the week-end. What happens on Tuesday?

This seems like one of those circumstances where the Electoral College could actually help us out. If the dead candidate still wins on Tuesday, his electors are chosen. Remember, we’re technically voting for the electors, not the candidates. So, whichever party gets the majority of the electoral votes then gets to choose who to elect. They’d almost certainly pick the vp candidate, but they could theoretically choose anyone.

The Secret Service contacts Ed Zotti and asks him to provide your ISP number.

Thanks Opus. Do you know what form this ‘investiture’ procedure would take? (hearings, vote, etc.)

Zarathustra: Don’t think I’d stand much of a chance, being Canadian. Unca Cece’s ISP, on the other hand…

P.S.: ‘incapacited’ should of course read incapacitated.

The electoral college members meet in their respective state capitals in early december and vote. They are theoretically allowed to choose any candidate they want, but are pledged to vote for the party’s regular nominee.