Gervais fans: Extras finale on HBO 12/16


Very minor spoilers on the HBO link below.

Has this special aired in England yet? I know it’s the Christmas special, but I wasn’t aware it might air in the United States first.


Funnily enough I watched an extended preview for a christmas special. I think it would have been advertsised on the TV if it was soon.,

I’m too tired to bully my ginfers into slowing down when they type.

edit: could quite possibvly by aired before that in the UK. They don’t have to start advertising this early.

If you subscribe to Gervais’ podcast on Itunes, you can see a sneak preview. Looks pretty good. “What if we say she’s just a slut, and you don’t have to pay for it at all?” “Still…”

Gervais and Merchant deliberately wanted it to premiere here in the US of A first this time, for a change.

Just saw an advertisement for this special. I love *Extras *- the scene where Ian McKellan explains his acting method to Ricky Gervais might be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.