Get your DNA sequenced here.

Form a line please. Single file. Have your credit card ready. No cash. is partnering with Google to provide DNA sequencing for about US$1000 per person. This seems like a reasonable price to me and they claim to provide information about who your ancestors were and your inherent physical traits, such as muscle fiber dominance and athleticism.

I would really like to try but I don’t live in the US and I don’t have that type of cash to spend right now. Mainly, I would like to compare my DNA to top cyclists and see if I have what it takes to be competitive on the world stage.

Have any Dopers tried this? No?!? How about you guys pay for my sequencing? :smiley:

I’d love to have a bit of knowledge about my DNA. ‘Cept I already know I’m a boring ol’ NW Euro in ancestry, and seein’ as I’m in middle age most of the health things aren’t all that much of a surprise now.

And I really can’t afford $1000 USD on a lab test just for curiosity’s sake. Still a cool idea, though.

It’s not a DNA sequence. It’s a SNP-array hybridization test; it gives you a set of “yes/no” values for about 600,000 known DNA single-nucleotide polymorphisms, most of them derived from the HapMap Project.

So let’s say that (furious hand-waving), they test for the presence of the London Variant of the tar9 gene, which is an A->G transition on the 70th base pair of the tar9 gene. They hybridize your DNA against the array, and that spot lights up, indicating that your copy of tar9 has that variant.

If there’s a variant that they don’t know about, they haven’t designed a probe to test for it, so this test won’t tell you anything about DNA variants that are not known. Nor will it tell you anything about non-single-nucleotide polymorphisms, unless they construct big probes to test for that, which is more expensive, so they probably won’t.

By comparison, a true sequence of just your mitochondrial genome (roughly 16,000 base pairs long) will cost you about US$500. If you want your whole genome sequenced, and you happen to be good friends with Craig Venter, that’ll probably run you about US$1mil. Which is much cheaper than what it used to be! :cool:

How much in Canadian dollars? :stuck_out_tongue:

And could you repeat that in english please?

Thirty cents. And a stale Tim Hortons donut.

Okay, brief summary of the tech. DNA has this nice property that every base (A, C, G, T) can pair with one other base. A to T, C to G. So if you have a single strand of DNA, let’s say AAACCAAA, it will bond well with another strand of DNA with the sequence TTTGGTTT. You can take one strand of DNA with whatever sequence you want, and anchor it to some surface. Then, when you wash a solution of unknown DNA strands over that surface, the only one that will stick to your anchored strand (called the “probe”) is the one with the complementary sequence.

So, this is what you do. You make a probe (again, let’s say AAACCAAA). You put it in the corner of your plate. You take a solution of unknown DNA strands, and you chemically modify them so that they all have a fluorescent label on their end. You don’t know what they are, you don’t know their sequences, but you do know that there’s DNA in the sample, and that each of those molecules has a big glowing green glob on the end. You then wash the solution with your labeled sample over the plate that has the probe on it. After you rinse, you look at the little spot on the plate where you’ve previously put the probe; if you see glowing green there, you know that some piece of your sample has successfully bound to the probe. Because DNA binds based on complementarity, and you know that your probe’s sequence is AAACCAAA, you thus know that your sample has a TTTGGTTT sequence that’s in it, which bound to the probe.

In real life, you don’t just make one probe, you make hundreds of thousands of probes. This is called a “DNA microarray”, and it’s the basis of the technology that is used by 23andMe.

I mentioned the HapMap project. That project is trying to map all common, natural human genetic variations. They have the human genome sequence, and they’re now trying to find differences from that sequence that are relatively common in the population (greater than 1% incidence, which is the arbitrary cutoff between a true polymorphism and just a mutation). The easiest such variations to detect are SNPs: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, just single-letter differences from the known sequence. So if the sequence of some particular region, according to the human genome project, is AAGGCC, a possible variant might be AAGTCC.

SNP arrays detect these variants by constructing probes for them. In the case of the particular array that 23andMe uses, that’s about 600,000 probes: 550,000 standard probes that they bought from the company that made the array, and about 30,000 custom probes that they designed themselves.

Now, what do these SNPs mean? Well, that depends. They might not mean anything; they might be non-coding, or if they ARE coding, they might be “silent” (different patterns of nucleotides code for the same amino acid when the gene has a protein made out of it). Or they might have a function we don’t know about yet, whatever. Bottom line, when you run their protocol, you get a big fat list of which polymorphisms you’re positive for, and which polymorphisms you’re negative for. Depending on which gene the polymorphism is in, and whether or not the polymorphism actually DOES anything, it may have a beneficial, a detrimental, or a neutral effect. We might not know what specific effect it has; or if we do, it may just be a statistical correlation. (Like, for instance, the 4,4 variant of apolipoprotein-E has a correlation with Alzheimer’s disease. Why? Who knows. The statistics say there’s a correlation, but I don’t know of any mechanism that’s been accepted for this.)

That is so cool! I would love to get that done. Maybe sometime in the future, when I’m not so freaking poor.

They must have gone up in price. A couple of years ago I read that it cost something like one or two hundred bucks. Anyone have a link?

For the OP, National Gepgraphic has some kind of DNa project going on that costs $100.00. Maybe thay can do something similar that you would find interesting.

Why the heck did it cost me US$600 to do a DNA paternity test a few years ago? Why is this more? Surely prices ought to have come down.

Probably because they do a more complete screening here. A paternity test only needs a few dozen markers to get a million-to-one certainty; this test claims to do 550,000 SNPs.

Also, a paternity test is pretty simple to do, and does not need a microarray. All you need to do is take your sample, use PCR to amplify a few specific regions, and run them on a gel. These regions are what’s called “short tandem repeats”, where their length is highly-variable in the population, and it’s easy to tell the differences between individuals by comparing the lengths of these repeats. The FBI uses the same principle for their DNA-print database, CODIS.

I was referring to this service. There might be cheaper services, but that’s the one I’m most familiar with. Of course, the variable cost of the sequence is much cheaper, but that’s assuming that you’ve already paid the fixed cost of the sequencing apparatus. Here’s an old, apparently semi-broken one