Kinda funny story from the NY Times about people building their own “Star Trek” captain’s chairs: link
I don’t think I’d ever want one in my living room. In a studio/office space…maybe.
Kinda funny story from the NY Times about people building their own “Star Trek” captain’s chairs: link
I don’t think I’d ever want one in my living room. In a studio/office space…maybe.
I can see how this would be kind of cool, but somewhat lame without a bridge crew to snap orders at.
You could grab your remote and say, “TV, change to warp channel six!” I suppose.
Somehow, I imagine that these guys very rarely get their “Kirk” on…can you imagine how their dates go? Even if they impress a chick enough to get her come home with him, just imagine the look on the date’s face when he shows off his chair.
“Kirk”: And here’s my homemade “Starfleet” chair. I like to put on a starfleet uniform and pretend I’m captain of a ship facing off with the Romulans.
At which point, the date decides she has to get up early and is therefore out the door at warp factor nine. She leaves so fast it looks as if she’s beamed out of there.
Superman, from the article it looks like they are married already so they hopefully don’t bring dates home anymore.
I notice that while they are building the chair from the original episodes, many of them have the later Kirk body.
Why would I want to have a chair I keep falling out of?
I’ve always wanted to build an Emperor’s Throne Room from Return Of The Jedi.
A grand comfortable chair that overlooks the endless sea of stars. With a battle taking place far off in the distance above the surface of my Death Star.