Getting Windows to properly read DOS text

Is there a way to get Windows based text editors to properly read DOS characters? For example, a line made of - characters in a DOS text editor becomes a line made up of Ä in a Windows text editor.

You need to change the font your editor is using. I tried Lucidia Console in Notepad and it worked fine.

Thanks, I’ll give it a try.

Nope, switching fonts didn’t work. Oh well, no big deal. I’ll just keep looking this up on GOOGLE.

Sometimes a font with “Terminal” in its name will correctly represent these characters even though many other fonts have the problem you’re describing. These characters are called “extended ASCII” or “8 bit ASCII” or “high ASCII” or, I think, “Latin 1” in some contexts.

Yeah, I know what they’re called. They’re the ASCII characters 128 - 255.
Well, in Notepad the “Terminal” font works fine, but it’s not availible in Word or Wordpad. Guess I’ll have to see about adding it. Thanks.