First I must assure you that I am a rational person. I do not believe in bogeymen or fairies. But this story is absolutely true:
One night I returned home near midnight after a long evening of inventory at the store. I was exhausted and headed straight for bed. My girlfriend/roommate was out of town so I began shucking off my clothes as soon as I hit the hallway. I plopped down in the middle of the bed after leaving a long trail of socks, shirt, jeans, etc. and pulled the spread up to my chin. Somehow I managed the strength to roll over enough to turn off the light.
Just as I was beginning to drop off I felt a tension in the spread as if it was being pulled tight. I blinked myself awake and froze. The tension increased and the spread slipped from my fingers as if something was at the foot of the bed pulling it down. After a surge of adrenalin I switched the light on but nothing was there. I attributed the sensation to grogginess but there was no doubt that the bedspread was now at my waist. I pulled the spread back up to my chin and clenched it slightly before deciding to close my eyes again.
Before I fell asleep the tension started again. I froze like before and a chill went down my spine. I could feel the bedspread sliding over my chest and down my stomach. But I could also feel the pull at the other end, a definite force overcoming resistance. When the spread reached my thighs I sprang out of bed and threw on the light. I raced to the foot of the bed prepared to fight an intruder. But there was nothing there. I cautiously moved the covers so I could see under the bed but still there was nothing. I made a quick survey of the apartment before I could convince myself that I was alone and was only experiencing strange effects of exhaustion. Still, I fell asleep with the light on and with my attention on the foot of the bed.
I woke up late the next morning with no other spread tugging events. But something was there. As I rolled over and stretched on awakening I felt my foot bump something. I sat up to see what it was and I was shocked. All of the clothes that I had stripped off and carelessly discarded were now neatly folded, perfectly folded, from my jeans on the bottom to my dirty sweatsocks on top. A perfect square bundle of clothes sitting at the foot of the bed.
The windows were latched, the doors were locked, and a call to my in-laws informed me that my girlfriend was still visiting two-hundred miles away.