Gift for a Really Nice Busdriver

Hallboy has been transported by the same busdriver for nearly 4 years now. Two months ago, we moved and we’re participating in a carpool for school transportation, so he hasn’t seen Ms. Becca on a regular basis (even though he’s finishing up school at the same place).

Ms. Becca’s bus transports a couple of private school students, so it’s a small bus (15 passengers or so) and she gets to know the students pretty well. Each year at Christmas, she gave out treats (including McDonalds gift cards!), and for birthdays, she does the same.

This year, Hallboy’s birthday fell after we’d moved, so he wasn’t riding the bus on his birthday. Still, after school, Ms. Becca called him over to the bus and gave him a birthday card and candy for his birthday. Yesterday was Hallboy’s graduation ceremony, and Ms. Becca was prepared after school with a carnation corsage for Hallboy.

I’d like to give something special to Ms. Becca as a token of our appreciation, but not sure what. I really don’t know this woman, except for the fact that she’s transportated Hallboy through rain, snow and good weather for the past four years. I know she doesn’t make a ton of money (I was a bus driver for four years in another lifetime), and the gifts for the kids was coming out of her own pocket all those years. Any ideas or suggestions? I’d like to avoid school bus themed gifts, and I don’t have $50 or $100 to drop on a spa gift certificate, but would like something that says “thank you and we appreciate all you’ve done through the years”.

Oh, and yes, for each of the gifts, Hallboy has written thank you notes. Any gift we give would include a personal note of thanks and appreciation from us.

When in doubt, gift card…

I think the trick with gift cards is that you have to be willing to spend $50-100 (which the OP doesn’t have) to make it seem super meaningful. On the other hand, a well thought-out gift can be cheaper and more meaningful.

Unfortunately, I have no ideas.

Do you do anything crafty? Or, even better, does Hallboy? You could make something for her. shifts knitting aside in lap to reach keyboard

Maybe start a tradition and give her a photo of Hallboy in a magnetic frame. (fridge magnet) so she can stick him to the wall of the bus.

But a manicure is less, yes? And a gift certificate for a manicure would make my freakin’ day. Unless she’s the type who’s always got the acrylic nails; then she probably goes to the same place all the time.

I like the picture frame idea too. I like to think of giving something that will help or cheer the person as she goes about her day. For a bus driver, she might like a travel mug or clipboard with her name on it that Hallkid could personalize for her. If she has to wear an ID tag, she might like a new lanyard in her favorite colors.

Do you have any personal and somewhat memorable items you could part with? I once gave a superhelpful mailgal a silver dollar (real silver).

How about a Willow Tree Figurine?

Something like

Or DEMDACO | Gifts, Fashion, and Decor to Lift the Spirit

Or DEMDACO | Gifts, Fashion, and Decor to Lift the Spirit


None of these are angels so they couldn’t be construed as religious - just a nice way to say thank you. And they usually run in the $15-$25 price range.

It was our last day of school for the year today, and I was watching what my drivers came back with.

  • The usual supply of restaurant gift cards. They love these. But then no one eats like bus drivers.

  • One lady actually got the magnetic picture frame. Nice touch, I liked it.

  • A small plant in a ceramic school bus pot.

  • Bright yellow Crocs.

  • A few handmade cards.

  • A summer pass to the park district pool (roughly $25).