Gift Ideas for Girlfriend Student Teaching in Sheffield England - March

I have a few gifts picked out for my girlfriend for Christmas already, but she is going to student teach in Sheffield, England for 5 weeks starting in March. Any ideas for a few extra gifts? I can’t promise your name will go on the tag, but you’ll have a place in my heart :smiley:


Uncalled for. Like anyone away from home I’m sure she would enjoy a care package of her favourite treats. Otherwise, with the variable weather in this part of the world at that time of year, where temperatures might range from freezing to pretty warm from day to day a hat scarf and gloves would be advisable.

A book onSheffielddialect will surely be welcome. I live near the place referenced on the cover of Sheffieldish. It is actually spelled Beauchief but has deviated far from it’s French origins.

Does she know the name of the school or the area she will be living in yet? I may be able to offer some more tips based on that :slight_smile:

Made in Sheffield is a good documentary which gives an overview of the Sheffield music scene in the 70s and 80s. However, probably not that interesting if you’re not into those bands.

Along those lines, a copy of the greatest thing to come out of Sheffield, Different Class by Pulp, would be good to listen to and a bit useful–you do get a feel for what life is like in a city like Sheffield, all woven around some of the best songs of Britpop’s short reign.

Agreed. I guess she could listen to some Arctic Monkeys too :slight_smile:

Maybe something “The Full Monty” themed?