Gina Rinehart fuck everything about you

Wait a minute - Gina is Clickbait Woman (her photo turns up repeatedly for us guest peons on the Dope).

I see that she reportedly has lost a quarter of her wealth in 2015 due to declining prices for iron ore and such. So her fan club can take solace in that. :frowning:

The second link from when you did google that for him says:

I don’t think he meant for anyone to do THAT kind of research!

That’d be a neat trick - Rupert Murdoch was born in 1931, and the News Limited Corporation, which became News Corp in 1979, was founded in 1923.

Although the personal estate of Keith Murdoch was sold, ownership of News Limited was passed down to the family.

Coremelt - here in the US, free trade agreements are often controversial. Liberals often have a very specific criticism of free trade that is very close to things that you’ve quoted this woman saying. You you have to understand that there is going to be some confusion when a socialist like Bernie Sanders and this woman appear to be saying the same things about this controversy.

I leave you to do your own research as to what the specific American liberal criticism of free trade agreements are.