Girl Outs Mother's Citizenship Status During First Lady's School Visit -there is a video of this on the site and at youtube

I am confused over how I feel about this. My first thoughts were if I had lied on a form to go to a school outside my town area, the school would have to boot my kid out. Then I started to think, did the mom of this kid lie on a form? Is there a form at the school that asks about immigration status?

Say there is a form about immigration status. Isn’t there a law demanding people send small children to school?

If both are true, we have competing laws.

I don’t have a link to a cite, but heard a report today that this entire scenario was set up. According to a school maintenance worker the girl was being drilled on what to say over and over again.

what? maybe, but the last part was ad lib-ed, that is for sure.

It is not a surprise that a kid was prepped for a visit. You know the gab fests on cable? Many of the guests know ahead of time what will be discussed. It’s television.

The moment the kid mentioned mom having no papers was not scripted.

What do you listen to, talk radio, cable news?

It was a morning drive time radio program. I caught the comment in passing and basically all I heard was what I mentioned above. I just tried some googlefoo, but am not finding much (or at least anything I would link as a cite). If I find a reliable confirmation, I’ll follow up

I know that Rush was saying the whole thing was a put on yesterday, and today he has changed it to “It was still a set up, but the girl was supposed to say ‘Arizona’ instead of Obama.”

I try listening to talk radio. But Rush is way too bombastic and boring. Some of the people on talk radio appear to be lost without an enemy easily tied down. I heard hosts on each other’s shows arguing over what Obama represented and how to attack him.

too friggin’ funny (tff)

thanks. NPR was a big bore fest on it. There was a knee jerk reaction to present a progressive view and I think the host thought that made it balanced. I love NPR, but get irritated with progressive hosts. No less irritating than neocon hosts.

Our school forms (Chicago Public Schools) not only do NOT ask for proof of citizenship, they say over and over again that you do not have to present proof of citizenship, and that you will not be denied entry for not having such proof. They say it on the enrollment forms, the free lunch application forms and I believe even on the “your child hasn’t returned this textbook, please send us 1 bazillion dollars” form.

So no, here at least, there’s no competing laws.

ETA: You have to have proof of RESIDENCY, within the district and/or neighborhood (depending on what you’re applying for), but not US citizenship.

That’s what I thought might be the case. So if the mom didn’t lie on a form, technically it is not a school system issue? LOL I love this stuff. It tests us.

Of course you did. :rolleyes: (rolling my eyes not at you but at the right-wing talk radio tripe in general…no doubt in my mind that this was something one of them just pulled out of their ass…like they tend to do.)

Full disclosure: I am currently working on a final presentation for a college course dealing with thinking, logic, rationality, etc… and chose bias, distortions and outright lies in the “Right-Wing Media” as my topic, so I have been listening to and reading and REFUTING with factual sources this tripe for weeks now…ughhhh! A wonder I’ve been able to keep my food down. It IS like shooting fish in a barrel, but I am beginning to wish I’d chosen something else :smack:

First, I seriously doubt this girl was set up, or if she was, set up by “liberal operatives”. :rolleyes: Exactly HOW does that serve the interests of the current administration? To put the First Lady on the spot like that? (Her comments certainly didn’t strike ME as well prepared or up to the usual standard of a sound-bite)

As far as I know, at least speaking for the 2 states I know first-hand (Texas and Oregon) school forms do not ask about citizenship status. In fact, in Texas, last I saw they make clear that the parent/guardian’s status does not matter and will NOT be shared with anyone (as it says on the forms for food-stamps, Medicaid, TANIF).

The odds that this child’s mother will have to worry about being deported are slim to none. This is a big fear in the undocumented community but it is mostly unfounded. Hell, illegal immigrants have killed people, been convicted, served time, and been released back into the US, not deported.

Remember, Rush also said that eco-terrorists had blown up the oil rig in the gulf. :dubious: He (and others of his ilk) make shit up and “commentate” (aka “making shit up”).

There’s a followup to the article where Homeland Security says they won’t go after the mother. Ths is not surprising; the outcry if they deported her would be huge. Outing her to the First Lady was probably the best thing the child could have done to ensure that her mother can stay in this country.