Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Worth Reading?

It’s the male equivalent of a Mary Sue - a character that is awesome in every way, lacks notable flaws, and often oh by the way, has more than a passing resemblance to the author himself.

I don’t want to post a open spoilers, but I found myself eye-rolling a few times at some of Blomqvist’s “achievements”.

Without them, the movies seem a bit sterile. Having read the books first I knew what was going on, but to me it seemed like it took a five course meal and reduced it to one course. Still good, but …


I found it rather “meh”. Like others, it took me two months of picking it up, rolling my eyes, putting it down, rather, rinse, repeat, until I finally got through the first 100 pages. I think I held that against it even through the parts I liked. Decent story, but I have no need to read the other two.

I’m so glad I’m not the only one who things Blomqvist is a Gary Stu, particularly because there doesn’t seem to be a woman on the planet who can resist his charms (generally a big giveaway).

First book I went through pretty fast and enjoyed the story. I have a hard time relating to any story where the guy is completely 100% irresistible to every women he meets. That is the author’s fantasy, not a believable story.

Second book was like wading through mud; by the last hundred pages was just because I wanted to finish. A lot of it was implausible to me.

Third book I not willing to wade through.

Great quote from my daughter when she first recommended the book to me:

“It took me two weeks to get through the first third, but then only two late nights to get through the rest.”