Give me back my stuff, FUCKWIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My asshole housemate and his cuntnugget girlfriend (who technically wasn’t a renter here but you’d never know the difference) just moved out - and fucking stole some of our stuff!!

It’s fairly minor things, but still, WHAT THE FUCK!!!

He took my snearkers (MY SNEAKERS!! ), as well as a bunch of stuff from the kitchen, specifically water glasses and coffee mugs. DId he really think we wouldn’t FUCKING NOTICE!?!??

Hmm, I want a glass of water, in one of the glasses we DELIBERATELY WENT OUT AND BOUGHT, and…ooops…there aren’t any. Where did I place them…yeah fucking right, assnugget! WE know we fucking paid for them, shitface, and we WILL get them back!

Besides, you forgot one crucial fuckign detail - we know who you are and we know what building you moved to. We also have your parents phone number, and your alkie bitch-girlfriend’s pathetic father works at my SOs school, and WE KNOW WHO HE IS!!! Did you really think we couldn’t find you?

We spoke to the landlord, and apparently the goat-felching weasel didn’t leave the keys to the apartment behind. He left food in the fridge, so he might be back, but he’s dumb enough not to. So now this fucking THIEF!!! has keys to the building, and to OUR APARTMENT! Do you think I fucking feel safe here, now? Do you think I trust him not to come back and steal something else?

We are going to talk to the landlords and get the locks changed ASAP, but for the rest…FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! I am prepared to call his parents EVERY FUCKING DAY to get them to return our stuff, or fucking pay us for it! I plan on contacting her dad at work EVERY FUCKING DAY to get our stuff back.

If that doesn’t work, I WILL CALL THE COPS!!! Its not worth much, but its fucking illegal to steal, and I want it on his fucking record! He wants to go into politics, I would LOVE to ruin his career (not that this is much, but fuck it would be sweet). OF course, as my SO said, he’ll probably do that on his own. He;s fucking inbred-stupid enough to do it.


We were going to go shopping today, but now I’m afraid to leave the apartment unattended. I wish we could have been here while he was moving, we might have been able to stop him, but I had an important seminar to do at school and HAD to be away. In retrospect, my SO probably should have stayed behind, but he wanted to come and support me.

I hated him before, but now I’m mad too…

He stole your stuff? Call the cops now. The longer you wait, the less likely it is to get your stuff back. They may not arrest him (especially if you ask them not to), but they’ll probably scare him into flying right by showing up at his new place or his workplace to pick up the stuff.

What fluiddruid said. It’s not worth much, but it is stealing, and this fucknugget really sounds like he needs a good intimidating.

And he clogged the kitchen sink up with grass before he left…don’t ask me how, because I don’t know.

We aren’t calling the cops.We’re getting the locks changed, regardless of whether the landlord will pay, and we are going to handle it more directly with him. I said the value was small - total, maybe about 50$. My sneakers were old, but I liked them. They were comfy and they had personality! They had a really cool sulfuric acid burn on the right shoe!

I’ll contact his and her parents, and them any way I can, but I think its more trouble thatn its worth to call the cops on them, as much as I would like to.

The man is just petty and stupid, and its his or his bitch girlfriends’ stupid idea to “get back” at us for whatever reason (apparently asking her to clean her own messes up was a big insult to the bitch).

We aren’t so poor that we can’t afford to lose this stuff…though I do miss those sneakers :frowning: They were the best I’ve ever had!

REPORT IT ANYWAY, Mnem. You must. You might even be able to do it over the phone… you can stress that the theft was MINOR, and you simply want it to be a matter of record.

Fuckwit won’t have anything go on his record (alas), since neither you/others witnessed them doing this - IANAL but I think if they had the keys to your place it only amts. to circumstantial evidence. BUT it will be a matter of record… And maybe the cops can show up at Fuckwit’s door to have a chat/Q&A session anyway - I’ll bet they took that stuff just to piss you off (…it worked), so they need a message sent in return. Further, this should fully squelch any thoughts they might’ve entertained re. coming back - and you really DO owe yourself the peace of mind.

If you do nothing, then Dickcheese and Scumbitch will have gotten off scot-free, and may think even less of you than when they decided to swipe your stuff.

FYI: I believe your landlord is/should be responsible for your security, so the lock-changing should go on their bill. IF not, and if you’re remotely handy with a screwdriver, go to a hardware store, show them your key, and ask for a re-keying kit. It costs between $10-20 (US), and takes maybe a half hour to do the job. Hint: After taking out the lock, do the re-keying in a WELL lighted area - small parts!, and do NOT lose those little springs inside the lock/tumblers. Re-key kit will have all the instructions you need. Then send your landlord a copy of the receipt (keep the original), plus a copy of the key, if your rental agreement requires it. (I do think they should pay for this regardless, though.)

Anyway I hope this info. is of some use - Good luck!


I am thinking calling the cops might be a bad idea…if there is alot of weed around, going after him for the $50 might be a bad idea too…

911: 911 what is your emergency?
Fucknut: “Hello, police, um, yeah, I just bought a bunch of drugs from …”
911: Could you repeat that address please…

Not weed. Grass. Like what you find outside on your lawn :slight_smile: I suppose I should have specified…it was literally grass. With little bits of mud attached to it. And bits of tree. :rolleyes:

We’ll deal with this tomorrow. Too tired right now, but thank you!

[Fat Tony]
You want me and some o’ the boys should go and meet and greet this indiviual?
[/Fat Tony]

Mugs and shoes. Are you sure he didn’t just take them by mistake?

My wife and I used to share a house with another couple before we were married. We lived with them for about three years. By the time we left, we really didn’t remember who bought what when it came down to a lot of minor things like what you’re talking about.

If he wanted to piss you off, wouldn’t he have taken something a little more valuable than mugs and stained sneakers?

I hope the chump trips and breaks something the first time he walks in your shoes

Taking your shoes was petty and spiteful. Being spiteful was probably his intent and I doubt he would be dumb enough to keep them–they are probably dumpsterized by now, though I hope not since you want them back. It will be easy enough for him to claim that he bought the glasses, etc., and it will be difficult for you to prove that he didn’t. Even so, a call to the cops is mandated, just for you to CYA. Calling his parents repeatedly might easily be construed as harassment, which puts you in the wrong–I wouldn’t do it more than once, if at all. If I did make such a call, I wouldn’t be confrontational about it.
As to the locks, I wouldn’t waste time trying to re-key them. A new lockset can be bought relatively cheaply and is a lot less trouble to install. I would do it post haste and that is the voice of bitter experience.

I can imagine that taking the shoes might have been an accident- might. We keep our shoes on the bootmat by the door (imagine that!) and we have always placed them there. It’s possible that he went and grabbed them when he was grabbing other stuff, and he’s a big enough moron to have not even thought of the fact that the other two people in the apartment might also wear shoes :rolleyes:

As for the glasses - no, it had to be deliberate. He came here without ANYTHING for the kitchen except one stupid ugly, which he took. As for the rest, it was ALL ours. The cutlery, the plates, the mugs, the water glasses, the flour/sugar storage bins, the tea kettle, the cooking utensils, the pots and pans, the Ziploc containers - everything. Actually, now that I think of it, he stole about a half dozen of those, too.

He almost took off with some of our fancy cutlery, but my SO managed to stop him. This is cutlery that was given to us from my SOs dad, and it was a wedding present to him and his first wife, my SOs mom, who died when he was young. It is a set of some value, but mostly of sentimental value - my SO has few things from his mother.

His excuse? “Well I didn’t recognize it at all, so I figured it wasn’t yours”. WHAT THE FUCK? You DON"T recognize it, so you take it? This guy is a TOTAL moron.

I probably exagerated with the “every day” thing calling his parents, but I will let them know once or twice to try and get them to get their fuckwit son to return our stuff. Besides, they deserve to know that their kids are lying, stealing assholes.

We can “kind of” prove that the glasses are ours. We know where we bought them, and when, and we know the exact price at the time. I had called my parents that night, and told them about all the things I bought, and that was something I mentionned, so my parents can collaborate. I might actually still have the receipt lying around, though I doubt it. Unfortunately, my SO and I split the cost of things on that shopping trip, and the glasses went on my receipt, and I don’t tend to keep them. He keeps EVERYTHING and tracks his money down to the last penny.

As for the mugs, they are half a set, the other half is in my SOs grandmother’s kitchen - she gave them to his father at somet point, and he eventually gave them to us. There is no doubt about it.

ARRGHHH I hate him. I am to tempted to just go sit in the lobby of his building until I see him next, and force him to give back our stuff.

I hope my shoes aren’t in a dumpster somewhere. I miss them :frowning:

stupid ugly mug, that is


<GrizzRich automatically assumes all Dopers are friends…He’s 6’4, 350#, 23"neck, 20"biceps, 64"chest, legs like treetrunks and fists like sledgehammer heads.>

“Shall I go pay them a visit?”

I’m still wondering about the grass. Is there any non-malicious (if not non-stupid) reason why he would leave grass and bits of tree in the sink? I’m just having trouble picturing the chain of events and thought leading up to this.

My best guess? He attempted to sweep up some other mess (due to shoes or plants or something ?) and instead of dumping it into the garbage like a sane person would, he dumped it into the sink. We’ve warned him in the past not to scrape his food off plates into the sink, seeing as we don’t have a garborator (sp?), but he wasn’t too good at rememberin how to avoid doing that. The guy is a plain moron, that’s all.

And to those of you who have offered to “pay them a visit”, as much as I would love to see that, I think we’ll wait. My SO is going to the moron;s job today to talk to him and get our stuff back - hopefully this will more-or-less be the end of it.

According to his parents, he thought the shoes belonged to his scumbitch girlfriend. He’s been dating her for 2 years, you’d think he’d know what shoes she wore :rolleyes: He was planning on giving them to the super of our building, apparently, since he’s too chicken to come see us face-to-face. Honest mistake taking the shoes? Then come apologise to us! Fucking stealing our stuff? Yeah, that’s right, hide behind the superintendent (who, by the way, knows you stole from us, scumbag!)

I hope I never see his face, ever again.

Well, we got some of our stuff back. My shoes, the mugs, and 10 of the 12 glasses. I don’t know if he chose to keep the other 2, or if he managed to bust them and was too afraid to tell us. He apparently dumped the stuff off by the building office overnight, so that he could avoid us - he never called us, emailed us, etc. My super got annoyed at me for it, and I was too out-of-it (I had just woken up) to explain that the housemate was a load of chickenshit who was too afraid to see us face-to-face. And I forgot to ask if he’d returned the keys to the apartment, and to confirm anything about getting the locks changed. :sigh: I wish my SO had been here to handle it - I never know what to say, and I was still shaking from being woken up by that damn door buzzer (the method my super used to contact me)!.

My SO is supposed to go see the assweasel today anyways, since he doesn’t know about this. Hopefully he’ll at the least make him look bad in front of his co-workers. As far as I’m concerned, he’s a thief, and everyone should know it.

Hopefully this is the end of it all. He managed to leave some junk behind - I don’t know if we should toss it or not. I’m tossing the food, since some of t is WAY past date, and we want the fridge/freezer space, but the other crap? The mouldy towel he used for 6 months without washing? A couple of random facecloths he never used, etc? I don’t want to keep those. The only remotely useful thing he DID leave behind was a fire extinguisher. Is there a limit to how long I need to keep this crap? Should I just dump it in a basement storeroom? Or toss it out, which is what I really want to do. TECHNICALLY, his lease expires at the end of this month, so maybe we should at least wait until then? Clearly he’s been back to the building, and hasn’t come to get this stuff, so IMHO, it’s trash.

Fuck I hate him. I wish I’d never met the “man”. Son of a bitch.

Well, if he returned your stuff (most of it, anyway), you’re under an obligation to return his. If you throw it out, you lose the moral high ground.

Return it in the same condition he left it, though–so you don’t need to wash his mouldy towel.

Fuck, I don’t even want to go near it, let alone wash it! It fucking REEKS!!! Besides, it’s $1.75 a load of laundry here, and I DONT want that shit mixed up with mine!

And I don’t think we need to “return” his stuff. He STOLE ours, and just FORGOT his. If he wants it, he can come and get it. I think I’ll leave it in one of the storerooms downstairs. He’s too much of a wuss to come get it from us directly, and as far as I know, he still has the apartment keys. so he can get to the storerooms. If he’s returned the key and I don’t know about it, then he’ll just have to ask the super, who is none too pleased with him anyways. I’ll let him know exactly where it is, and it’ll be up to him to get it - it’ll be out of my mind at that point.

As for the food…fuck man, the closest expriy date to the current date we could find was in OCTOBER! I am not keeping that any longer than I have to, and I don’t really want to feed that mice in the basement with it.