Glenn Beck Substance Abuse

God dammit, here I thought I was going to have some more fodder for my '10 Death Pool list. Hmph.

I can’t even express how delightful this is.

Well seeing as the only other person who knows what happened that night was raped and murdered, I suppose we’re at Beck’s mercy. I just wish he’d address it so we’d know once and for all.

Really? Do you have proof of this?

Nothing but net!

Glenn has talked openly about his history. He’s specifically named pot, cocaine, and (his favorite) Jack Daniel’s. Though he’s also said “if it exists, he’d tried it.” All from his time before talk radio.

He’s told the story numerous times that he decided to get clean after a blackout (not his first) during which he’d told his kids a story and they asked him to tell it again the next day.

His conversion to Mormonism happened when his wife-to-be said they needed to find religion. They went “church-shopping” together and eventually joined the LDS church (along with his daughters, but I don’t believe his ex-wife joined).

Glenn’s long time best friend Pat Gray (who was LDS the whole time, and had to stop working with Glenn because Pat said it was killing him) baptized him.

I’m not going to say he doesn’t fake it, but that video is for a photo shoot and they were trying to get him to “cry” for the stills. This isn’t necessarily what he does to cry for his shows.