Goat Porn


Too damn funny. The story plus the responses are priceless. I’m saving this one as a classic.

[sub]You never admit to having seen “Fun on the Farm” or “Barnyard Follies”!!! What’s wrong with you?[/sub]


Wouldn’t it have saved everybody a lot of grief if you’d just plunked down the extra bucks for a nanny-goat for Pirate?!? You would’ve saved that much in laundry bills alone.

By the way, the USDA recommends that chickens be boned only by properly trained supermarket employees and factory processing staff.

I laughed, I cried, it became a part of me. It was better than “Cats”; I’d read it again and again.

I laughed so hard my coworkers looked at me. I had to go back to the top to see who posted it. I was almost expecting to see Wallym7 to the left. sigh

Thanks for the wonderful start to my day.

pity I lost the rubberband - HA!

Goat is a term often associated with penises, etc. in my area. Kind of a colloquialism that I use with friends occasionally. **

Um. Kind of gives new meaning to the phrase “Don’t let it get your goat.” Don’t it?


Scylla, I think I love you. That was hysterical!

Oh, and since everyone who opens this thread is by definition a deviant, check out http://www.furnitureporn.com

I just want to help- As stated by another member, chickens have vents (cloacas). The vent is one opening through which the chicken urinates, defacates, copulates and lays eggs.

It is not nice to castrate animals with rubber bands. All male PET goats should be castrated and disbudded as babies by a veterinarian. Then you will have a wonderful pet.

Scylla…my goodness but that was funny man… your stories never fail to make me laugh till I cry!

My username means “spider-goat.” I’ll leave the other perverts in this thread to think of something.

May I say the OP was very “Wally-esque?” Well done!


Oh, man! Scylla that is hysterical! Write a book, man that was funny. I was definitely not expecting anything like that, it was great.

It is now my greatest fear that this line will appear in my obit.

the horror…

the horror…

That was the best farm critter story since, well, since your last farm critter story !

I wonder what would have happened if you had turned this goat loose on the woodchucks.

Thanks for the laugh.

I feel sorry for poor Peep…:frowning:

I love Straight Dope. Scylla is my hero. Goats will never be viewed the same by my eyes.

oh the humanity!

Just a bump for those not getting enough in the “Ewe sluts” thread.

HAHAHAHA… that is the funniest story!!!

What came first, the chicken or the goat?