Goat Porn

Scylla–where the hell do you live? Some perverted alternate universe version of Hooterville???

BTW, did you get rid of the groundhogs? Or am I thinking of someone else?

I was really nervous to open a thread entitled Goat Porn, but honestly, I’m glad I did. Well, not glad exactly, but you know. This was seriously funny stuff. I can’t stop thinking about that poor goat with a bale of hay on his head.

When I was a kid, my parents had a goat to graze our huge backyard. It was evil incarnated. It’d go after anything and seriously try to kill it. My parents decided to deal with his temper somehow, and after basically exhausting the poor creature they were able to see that its horns had curled and were growing into its head. No wonder he was pissed. They brought the vet over who sedated him and sawed the horns off. The animal might have lost some of its pride, but also the migraines. From that day, he was the sweetest thing. I used to ride around on him every now and then. I was never molested. I think. Maaaaah.

chickens don’t have hinders or cooters. they, like all birds, have cloacas. Cloacal sex.

Sounds dirty to me.

soda, you are a sick individual.

Scylla paints a picture of a goat suffocating a chicken and encasing it in polyurethane and you’re thinking about a bale of hay.


Scylla, that is one of the funniest damn stories I have ever read! You must save it for your memoirs.

I’m giving this a bump it was so damn funny.

**re; Chicken rape **

You know, when I see *smothered chicken * on a restaurant menu in the future, I for one, will never ever look at it the same way again.
*Little voice peering over the edge of the table, " Just what is it smothered in, Mommy?" *

So now your horse is pining away with no companion?

The goat idea was actually a pretty good one, but if you try this again, remember to ask for a disbudded wether.

Disbudding involves making sure that the horns don’t grow (becoming dangerous).

A wether, having no ornamental body parts, is both gentler and far less odiferous than a buck. (I haven’t actually met a person who owned goats who referred to billies or nannies–they always seem to be called bucks and does.)

What does goatplasm look like?

that is sick!!!

Scylla, you had me laughing so hard, my wife was complaining about the racket!

I see you’ve read Bored of the Rings. :smiley:

Scylla, that’s the funniest damn thing I’ve read in ages! :slight_smile:


Mix two parts Elmer’s Glue, one part water. Stir slightly. Eject from goat.


I am of course conversant with all the great classics.

Darn. I saw the thread title and thought it would be something I might enjoy. Guess not… :slight_smile:

:looking down:

It’s pretty damn huge… :rolleyes:

Scylla, absolutely the funniest thing that I have ever read. Bar none. Without a doubt.

Wow, the funniest, and yet most disturbing post I’ve read yet.

Great job, Scylla!!! :smiley:

Scylla: Glad to see that you draw the line at goats…

c_goat, you have a huge chicken vagina? That’s just wrong, man. It’s wrong. :slight_smile:

Am I the only person on earth who has seen Fun on the Farm?

If “Chicken Lover,” who by genetic default rates as a human, could pull it off, twice, Pirate at least had a fighting chance.

Scylla, I must thank you. You’ve made my nightmare.

Brain: Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering?
Pinky: Um… I think so, Brain, but what if the chicken won’t wear the nylons?