Goddamn motherfuck this University!

Be reasonable. What the hell is academics and research worth if you don’t have a decent football team?

Why yes, that is sarcasm, thank you.

From reading some of your past threads, Mouse, I got the impression that this job was incredibly stressful and anger-inducing for you. Frankly I was a little concerned about the stress negatively affecting your baby’s health. Maybe it’s for the best that you got out sooner rather than later. Best of luck to you and your family.

I would think it’s because it’s next to impossible for a visibly pregnant worman to find another job.

So now what do I do with all this milk in my sinuses and all over my computer?

Even funnier, given your screen name

What am I missing here? You resigned, didn’t you? It’s quite common for an employer to let a resignee know that they won’t be needed for the full term of their notification period. And of course there is no severance. You have already let the company know that you are leaving of your own accord.

Ok, I’ve pulled myself together. There aren’t enough :o 's to express my embarassement about this screed.

I submitted a resignation. My boss was able to hush it up because he knew that I would be laid off soon. The anger I put toward the U system should have been aimed at Dr. Boss. Since he told me that my position would be terminated “before the end of the year” I have been asking him to give me some sort of date of termination. He gave me the date today, it was yesterday.

After some thought, I have come to the conclusion that this job was a lot like my first marriage: it made me miserable, but I was certain that no one else would have me.

Now, I have to face my fears and move on. Its been years since I’ve had a hobby or been able to travel without worrying about work. I’ve been to fucking dense to realise that throwing yourself into your work can be a very bad thing. Sometimes, the work throws you back out.

You are angry at him for trying to hide your resignation in the hopes of getting you a severance package, and then not being able to pull off this deception? Seems like the U should be the one who is angry. I am still not getting this, and my “this isn’t the straight story” warning light is blinking uncontrollably.

Hey, get fucked.
Nobody’s holding a gun to your head making you open Mouse Maven’s threads, if they annoy you so much.

Ass. :rolleyes:

MM, you don’t have a damn thing to be embarrassed about, not this rant, this “screed”, nothin’. The whole point of the Pit is to be a place to rant, rave, tear your hair, and jes’ generally let off steam in a profane manner. This you have done, and the rest of us–those of us that are human, at least–are proud to have been there for ya.

Fuck the U. Fuck Dr. Boss. You go down to the unemployment office and sign up for everything they’ll let you have, up to and including food stamps, WIC, whatever the state of Colorado will foot the bill for. The system is there to be used, and used by you. You’re a taxpayer, you’ve chipped in, you’re entitled. Go for it. Do it for the Mouseling, if you won’t do it for yourself.

And then move on. For starters, if Mr. Mouse makes enough that you won’t be starving in the street if you don’t go down to McDonalds tomorrow and get a job, then I’d kick back and devote myself to, first, “being preg” and then “new baby” for the next couple of months. Keep feelers out, but don’t make yourself crazy.

As opposed to your little temper tantrums about kids hating cafeteria food?


Pot. Kettle. :rolleyes:

Wait, so he did you an enormous favor, and an unethical one at that, and you’re ANGRY at him!? If you resign, you’re not eligible for unemployment. You get laid off, you are. He “covered up” your resignation because he knew that it would keep you from being eligible for unemployment and wanted to do you a favor.

Please name the thing that I mention in every post I make. :confused:

I, too, thought that Dr. Boss pulling your letter of resignation was a nice thing to do as it allows you to file, and draw, unemployment compensation.

What am I missing here?

So what? What does the likelihood of finding employment have to do with the reasons for a layoff?

Oh, I think it can be summed up pretty fucking clearly, turd:
“Fuck everyone who isn’t ME.” (spittle, vitriol, spittle, taking time out to wish AIDS on some kids, vitriol, more vitriol, dumb fuckin’ conclusion.)

Get stuffed, you brain damaged asswart.

:rolleyes: You know, if you’re not interested, how about just not reading Mouse_Maven’s posts? Which is what most of us have learned to do with your lame, pathetic, whiny, self-absorbed, boring rants. Don’t you have anything better to do than pick on an unemployed pregnant woman?

Cmon, nobody else was thinking that? Not even a little bit? Not that it detracts from my wishes of good luck and well-beling to MM, but I’m not going to pretend I’m not thinking something that I actually am.

If I was picking on someone, I’d start an OP in the pit. This is just a response to a dumb-assed OP that sums up everything we love to hate about a one-note poster who always posts about the exact same thing.

You make a dumb post in the Pit, you get donkey-bukkaked! I’ve taken my lumps, so others need to step up and get splattered in turn.

I don’t give you shit when I see your somewhat intelligent posts in CS (not including the recent asshattery in the Wes Anderson thread). In fact, when it comes to music we have a lot in common. But whenever I see you in a Pit thread, you’re acting like a total asshole.

“The self-reinforcing problems of sociopathy and roid rage”?

Or did you mean things you mention explicitly?