I came across a link to a news story in the University of Pittsburgh student paper. It dealt with voluntary presentation given at the school on how to safely use sex toys. It was sponsored by the Rainbow Alliance as part of World AIDS week. You can read the article here. There is a forum for responses to the article, and as you might expect, the stiff-necked, don’t even mention S-E-X faction was out in force. Most of the replies were what you might expect, but one really got to me. This person said, in part:
WTF???WTF-ing fuckity fuck? I felt the need to respond. Responses go to a moderator before posting, so I don’t know if it will see the light of day over there, but I feel compelled to share what I wrote here.
This guy is a monumental jackass. Although he’s probobly against it, he’s definitely an arguement in favor of abortion.
Dave, my friend, take some satisfaction in knowing that “Dan,” with an @home.com address, is about to lose his internet connection, probably, in about 45 minutes.
by god yer as drunk as I am…
weell not quite at least i ca n tell the difference betwix an 11 and a 7.,. even i f i can’t spell the fuckers out longhnad.
The world is filled with stupid arrogent fuckers who refuse to educate themselves and are stuck in their ways. And ya know waht most days I’m fucking leading their charge.e
Only thing you can do against assholes like that is trying to lead a life where yoyu refused to compromise to their ideals. Nom ater how much it hurts, no matter how hard it is you trire your dammnedest to fuck right back those alsshooles who spout bigatory lack o cmompassion and all that othef shit that makes them little better than the fuckin slugs I scrape off my shoes after it rains.
To all ya bigoted assholes out there, watch out. Sooner or laters yoyi’ll meet somnon who won’t take your fuckin crap anymore and who is capable of shoving the shit commning out of your bmouth right back down your fuckin throat.
I’m fuckin tired of sitting listening to that itsh comming out of someone’s mouth, buy butting up with it I’m supporting it. But I’m getting better, you fuck with people not liek yourself you fuck with me… and I’m a hell of a lot nastier than they are…
Man i bet nazi like you who despise others for how they find their happiness would really enjoy getting down on your knees and gets nice big old sloopy moutful of hilter’s cum, wouldn’t you. If I do anything in my life redeeming, it will be putting animals like yer into yer place.
(directed at nobody)
I’ve compromised my integreity and honor too many times in my life. I refuse to live my life this sway.
Fuckin try to kill me if you want. I know that there iwll always be someone who feels like me to follow behind me. can you say the same for your patheitc bitagotry.
Man, what the fuck is up with you people who suddenly lose the ability to spell whilst blotto? C’mon, are you gonna let the booze win the War of the Brain Cells?!?
(And I sure hope I’m not too drunk to have misspelled the smiley.)
Anyway, ‘Dave, you gotta make like a duck and let the acid of idiocy (which is not akin to the good kind of acid, mind you… I’m just trying to keep the metaphor alive and well*) slide off o’ you like, y’know, water. Those who suffer the foolishness of fools are fools themselves, don’tcha know.
*In case you don’t get the “acid off a duck’s back” thing, it’s a Far Side reference.
I guess I missed the connection to: Goddamn motherfucking right-wing ASSHOLE!!! Seems like you mixed up port and starboard in this case.
At any rate, the list of links (when I searched for Rainbow Alliance) read like string of organizations on the far end of the spectrum from the Taliban, but NO less dangerous.
Somehow, someway (whether we like it or not) your and my tax dollar is supporting this sort of shit. BS!
Actually, I’d rather have my tax dollars supporting something like this than supporting a Congressional chaplain or paying for White House Prayer Breakfasts.
Although I’d rather have the money which goes into either side actually used to pay for public financing of election campaigns and thereby removing the temptation toward corruption from the political process. But that’s just me…
Actually I don’t have any comments yet. I saw the fliers for the talk, considered going but it was on a bad day for me. (At the end of the day I just wanted to go home. I had been on campus for 13+ hours and it was time to leave.) I read the actual article in the Pitt News, and I’m skimming the comments. (I love watching people yell about my lack of education, and yea I take people bitching about “stupid college students” personally, I’m a sensitive child.)
Overall, I give it a shrug. I love going to Pitt because they are so supportive of all of their students, be it through an organized group or just one on one. If this annoys some people, they miss out on the loving support that I have recieved every step of the way here. Yes, there are groups on campus I’m uncomfortable with, but that’s a good thing.
The paper…it’s a shrug too. It’s usually pretty poorly written, about the level of the Sun or the Globe. It goes for sensationalism with an attempt at a veneer of serious journalism.
Oh, I also love the people trying to establish that being college educated automatically makes someone immoral. I’m only hungering to work in engineering ethics with my degrees. grrr…
My title was aimed at the asshat who posted “PC died on 9/11”. I didn’t post everything he said in his several posts over there, but they were from the right side of the spectrum, go read them yourself.
What an remarkably stupid statement. From the U Pitt Rainbow Alliance Webpage:
Yes, my God! They are for equality! Those liberal bastards! Check real hard and you can find the link to where they plan to murder 5000 people to further their devious, perverted aims of everyone being treated equal!:rolleyes:
This a student group. It represents the interests and activities of a portion of the U. Pitt. community. Similar groups are the SCA, the Black Student Union, the Young Republicans, and Christian student groups. Is your contention that none of these should exist, or that only the ones YOU approve of should? I dunno how it is at Pitt, but where I went to school, a portion of student fees was split by all of these groups. It’s part of life on campus. I don’t particularly agree with the Young Republicans, the Young Democrats, or the Christian Student Association, but all of them serve a vital function at colleges across the country. NOT funding these groups would be BS in my book, but then again I believe that exposure to the diverse elements of society is one of the most valuable aspects of a college education. Don’t like it? Send your kids to Bob Jones U. I’m sure they don’t have any groups on that campus that encourage critical and independent thought.
I’d like to give John Lawless a swift kick in the ass… what a jerk… I went to Cuntfest at PSU, it was great to hear a feminist author speak for once on a campus where Dick Cheney and Phylis Schlafly came and spouted their crap…
And the problem with being drunk is that the fingers are trying to anticipate where the keyboard keys are gonna move next… which is ironic since i touch type.