Going on date with deaf woman, need help

Paper is cool, just write on it ‘hi, my name is…’

You could learn the signs for that easily from: (my name …)

But the thing is, if you’re slow signing, she might make a comment about that. Some of them get impatient. But if you write stuff out they often don’t get impatient for some reason. Besides, it sounds as if she is going to have to write stuff out too. Maybe you can write a book.

Well, she had to cancel so I ended up going to the game with someone else. Too bad, I went and bought a little notepad in her favorite color.

I do plan on going out with her (the deaf one) sometime soon, though, so these suggestions will help. I’m already working on learning a few signs that might prove useful.

I met a deaf guy once, thought he was cute and all that, but the opportunity to ask him out never arose … :frowning: