Going to Costa del Sol (Spain)--last minute tips?

I realized I haven’t asked the wise and knowledgeable dopers for advice. I have my lonely planet guidebook and speak a bit of Spanish. I’m planning to see Granada, maybe visit Morocco, check out the beaches and eat tapas and drink sherry. Anyone have any advice or anecdotes to share?

Cordoba is worth a visit. If you are planning on going to Morocco I assume it’ll be ferry from Algeciras - Algeciras isn’t great and is a little on the dodgy side like most port towns but it’s part of the experience. I’ll just mention Martha Medea in case she’s searching - she’s from Gibraltar (I’m pretty sure at any rate) and will no doubt have much insight.

Granada is a great choice. The Alhambra is one of the most spectacular things on the planet.

Thanks Struan.

Gaudere, by all means drop in on Gibraltar :). I’ll be there in just over two weeks time if you want a personalised guided tour. Feel free to contact me for that or for any specific questions.

Apart from the little oddity that is my hometown, there are plenty of great places near the Costa del Sol - although it is hot and dry inland this time of year. Typical “white towns” in the area between Granada and Algeciras/Tarifa (the ports for taking ferries to Morocco) like Ronda, Grazalema, Zahara de la Sierra, Gaucin, Casares, Jimena and many more - some are on the tourist-trap side and can get crowded, but still worth a look.

I personally like the Costa de la Luz, which is further along the coast past Algeciras up towards Cadiz. If you’re going to Morocco the shortest crossing point is from Tarifa to Tangier, and the Costa de la Luz stretches until Cadiz - lovely, wild and much less touristy than the Costa del Sol: Tarifa itself, fantastic but windswept beaches, Medina Sidonia inland, Vejer, Cadiz, and Sanlucar de Barrameda for the ultimate seafood treat. Jerez for sherry and horses.

Almost everywhere you go the food will be spectacular. There are some lesser known white towns on the Ronda - Algeciras route that can be reached by train or road - the guide book will probably mention the really good eateries in the villages of Jimera de Libar, Benaojan, Benalauría.

If you have time, try to get to Seville or Cordoba as well as Granada.

Seconded. As is the Generalife gardens. We were there last week (well, I got paid to be there, Bonzer tagged along), and I am sooo happy I got to see it. It does have the most redundant sign ever there at the entrance! But go! Its amazing!

I just got back…the Alhambra in Granada was indeed spectacular. I want an Islamic castle of my own now. :slight_smile: I never made it to Morocco or Gibraltar, since I was only there a week and spent some time in Malaga and the little coastal towns. Food was great, though in the touristy parts you have to wade through the donner kebab and italian joints. The Spanish seem to cook the living bejesus out of vegetables, though the peaches and strawberries from the local markets were fantastic. I kept trying sherry, but I’m not fond of the dry white sherry and the red is too sweet (more like port)–I’m missing the appeal. Overall though tons of sun yet refreshingly cool in the shade, lots to see and do–the picasso museum, castles, tiny old town sections, beaches, plazas, parks and more.

My favorite place in the world, but then I have a castle fetish and castles ( that look like actual fortifications, as opposed to mansions ) don’t come any more hedonistic :). And how many castles come with their own army of complacently friendly, mutant half-tailed cats :D?

In fact about the only thing I liked about Malaga was the castle.

Did you get to Cordoba? The Mezquita was undoubtedly my second favorite place from my all to brief visit to Spain.

No, I never made it to Cordoba. I think I’ll have to do another trip to Spain sometime to see all the stuff I missed. :slight_smile: