Gollum = science fiction nerds?

DAMN, I’m obscure!

You may be on to something. Replace precious with a suped up home desktop that costs more than his car…think glasses, sparse attempt at facial beard or goatee…poor hygene, love of dark rooms…CRT tan <i.e. pasty white>… overweight…stack of pizza boxes to one side (with empty redbull or bawls containers close by)…general distaste for sunlight or anything “outdoors”…suspenders… t-shirt that says “got root?” on it…someone who’s actually bid on everquest listings on ebay…

Someone who actually knows how to say things in Klingon, frequently attends Rennaisance festivals, and probably is a member of SCA.

What do you get? an anti-social creature that speaks a language that no one can understand, who’d rather be in a dark place with his precious.

Nyah…must be coincidence.

Tolkien may have written his epic in advance of his “fanboys”, but he was still writing The Silmarillion after he had achieved fame and stardom, and was the target of fannish attack (I spoke to someonewho’d actually gotten a letter back from Tolkien). If he wanted to express his disgust at fan obsession, he’d had the opportunity to put it in The Silmarillion. As far as I can recall from my readings of the Big S, it’s not in there.
One SF writer who has expressed his disgust at his nerdish fans, according to Nicholls and Clute’s Science Fiction Encyclopedia, is Nigel Kneale, writer of the Quatermass serials and movies (not to mention the screenplays for ** The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas** and The First Men in the Moon ). Apparently he worked some really nasty depictions of overweight, lifeless, obsession fans into some of his later work.
Think Shatner’s “Get a Life!” bit from SNL with real intention and bite.

CalMeacham writes:

> Tolkien may have written his epic in advance of his “fanboys”,
> but he was still writing The Silmarillion after he had achieved
> fame and stardom, and was the target of fannish attack (I
> spoke to someonewho’d actually gotten a letter back from
> Tolkien).

And he began writing The Silmarillion in 1913, so if he had managed to work something about fanboys into it that would be pretty amazing.

I guess it’s too late to point out that I was kidding…

Yeah, but he was working on it until he died in 1976, so he had plenty of opportunities to.

Wang-Ka you obviously forgot that Gollum was stolen by Tolkien by the true master JK Rowling.

Jack Dean Tyler be thy name…

Of course, the more pedantic fan will insist that a Trekker’s penis is far superior to a Trekkie’s. (Not that he will ever have an opportunity to use it, of course. :wink: )

CalMeacham writes:

> Yeah, but he was working on it until he died in 1976, so he had
> plenty of opportunities to.

He died in 1973. He didn’t have any hardcore fans till 1964, when The Lord of the Rings was first published in paperback. It’s known when he worked on each of his various manuscripts of The Silmarillion. (And there were many layers of manuscripts of it.) If he had wanted to work something about his fans into his manuscripts, it would have been possible to notice precisely when he did it.

I just want to say that the OP was hysterical. Thank you. bows out

[Homer Simpson]

“It’s funny 'cause it’s true!”

[/Homer Simpson]