I think with the popularity of reality programs and American Idol, they should put the Gong Show back on the air. The Gong Show rocked.
Who would host my Gong Show? Ben Stien would be good if he had a few drinks in him. I also Snoop Dogg for some odd reason, but he would be too expensive to get. Jimmy Kimmel? Ed O’Neill? Someone brilliant, yet crazy and dumb like Barris would be difficult but possible.
Weekly Prize 5166.32 (Five thousand one hundred sixty six dollars and 32 cents), a 1000 dollar consolation to the worst act of the week, then at the end of the season, have a 1 million dollar payoff with real Hollywood agents.
Panel members? Again Snoop Dogg, I like John Billingsley from Enterprise for some reason. Various other humerous TV actors can do it too. Bob Newhart, the voices from the Simpsons, who knows?
If the networks hate it,(ABC or FOX might bite) take it to cable, where people can curse, and it would even be better.
More possible celeb judges that I’d like to see: John Waters, the Hilton sisters, choreographer Jill Taylor, Tampa Bay Buc Warren Sapp, Deborah Harry, Tenacious D, Carrie Fisher, George Carlin, Parker Posey, Gene & Deen Ween, Simon Doonan, Elizabeth Berkeley [Showgirls], Spike Jonze & Sophia Coppola, TMBG, Bebe Neuwirth, Iggy Pop, Isaac Mizrahi…
I’m guessing American Idol or any other of those talent competition type shows would be immeasurably improved by the presence of a gong.
I like some of Scrivener’s judge suggestions, and I’d add Joel Hodgson and/or Mike Nelson, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, and Statler & Waldorf from the Muppets (with Gonzo wielding the gong mallet?).