I see a lot of food threads in this forum, so I’m hoping this is the right place for it. If not, mods, please move with my grovelling apologies.
Anyway, the roommate and I just started having a poker night with a couple of friends who are on the Atkin’s diet. The first week I totally forgot and served chips and pita bread and all kinds of bad foods. They were very nice and joked about breaking their diets but I felt awful - I know how hard it is to stay on a diet and weekly tempation is never a good thing. This week was their turn and they had a good mix of Atkin’s friendly and carbo loaded foods for us.
Friday is my turn again and I am turning to you for ideas on snacks to feed them that will be better to their diet. I will go out and try to find a book but I’m hoping the teeming millions can give some good ideas for free
Easy or complicated I want them all, I love to cook and create. Thanks in advance for any help.