Good kids' albums/songs for dancing

I know a little girl, Molly, who loves to dance. Any suggestions for albums or songs that she might like?

How old is she? If you’re looking for music designed for the preschool set, The Laurie Berkner Band and The Wiggles are two very upbeat bands that don’t make me want to shoot myself.

If she’s a little older, skip the “kid’s music” and pick up Riverdance, or Dead Can Dance or Depeche Mode, or whatever gets *your *toes tapping. Kids’ll dance to anything if you’ll boogie down with them!

I know a lot of kids like those Crazy Frog cds. They play popular dance songs and the frog (who sounds like one of the chipmunks) sings along to them.

Samples here

Molly is four years old. She likes Dan Zanes, I know.