Good luck, signing off

Thus far I’ve been pretty careful about revealing personal information on the boards. I’m a pretty private person. I think many people would assume I’m older than I am, and that I’m a white person. It makes me chuckle a bit. Both of these things are untrue. I registered at the Dope in 2003. I was just out of college. My parents immigrated to this country – poor and not speaking any English. I’m first generation American. I’ve also been the target of quite a bit of racism growing up as a minority in a predominantly non-minority community. I became a CPA, am raising a family, and am currently serving as an elected official. I’m basically the American Dream as I see it.

My main reason for coming to the Dope has always been to argue. I like arguing. I like the challenge, and I like to learn. I feel the way to get to the best arguments is through adversarial discussion. I even wrote about how I like to argue. Arguing on the Dope actually helped improve my skills both in online written debate, as well as live in person debate, and most likely helped me win election.

When Ed asked me to become a moderator, I was glad. I had hoped to help leave this community better than it was when I got here. I was the one pushing for some of the more detrimental forces to be removed, like Clothahump and Starving Artist. As is plain to see in warnings and moderator action, I am responsible for the departure of other negative forces like WillFarnaby, and have put even more on notice. I have argued against more severe action towards some of our more liberal members who got over exuberant in their transgressions.

I always strived to be impartial – often withdrawing from threads where I had to moderate, or not even starting to participate when I felt the thread may need moderation in the future. But that meant I got to participate a lot less. And as more and more likeminded folks have left the board, it became increasingly frustrating when good arguments were not made in lieu of bad ones.

Lately I’ve been a bit disillusioned with the state of things. Most conservative voices on the Dope are gone. There are a few voices left who I think always present strong arguments, but their voices are few and far between. What’s left are many of the dregs, and it brings down the quality of discourse. Nearly any prolific conservative poster has a running pit thread. Every comment is interpreted in the most negative way possible, and after a while it gets pretty tedious. Granted, much of what is said is well deserved. But some of it isn’t. But rather than quality argument, intelligent voices gets drowned out by low quality bickering.

The board just isn’t the place it once was for me – a place to engage in spirited debate. And as more and more conservative voices leave, the chance of that coming back gets less and less. I can’t do it as a moderator, and there are few conservative posters left who can and are willing to engage in the level of debate that I enjoy.

This weekend I lit into a few posters at Giraffe Boards who are also members here. I had some harsh words for them, and it’d be easy to make some excuse, but that wouldn’t be honest. I meant what I said. It’s really nothing that I couldn’t also say in the Pit here, but as there wasn’t a relevant Pit thread, I said it over there. But saying it out loud is a no no for mods. We can complain about privately, but doing so publicly is not allowed. We’re not supposed to bitch about other posters. I knew this. I simply got tired of people who make the board a worse place for discussion to continue to spread their crap. I rarely participate in the Pit, and when I do it’s generally nothing that can’t be said in any other forum. I’m probably one of the few conservative posters with a significant amount of posts who has never been pitted.

But really, these aren’t even the worst offenders – they were just who was available. Having run out of patience to suffer fools is incompatible with being a moderator. So a combination of things probably not getting better, as well as a lack of patience in dealing with it, means I am resigning as a Moderator, effective immediately.

I’ve had a good run, but it’s time. Since I’ve gotten here, I took the time to catalog every warning ever given – by moderator, time of day, day of week, reason for warning. I read through every email from the mod loop since inception. I did this to ensure consistency. I kept track of every vote for every suspension and every banning to see if there were trends we may be unaware of. In my time here, I’ve grown fond of a great many posters – a group whose posts I would make a point to read even if I wasn’t interested in the thread. People like Bricker, Richard Parker, Ravenman, Hamlet. All of whom have continually offered strong, intelligent, and forceful arguments, as well as with some cutting wit. My favorite posters for sure, and we didn’t agree very much. But most of whom don’t post regularly anymore, and it’s too bad. One of these days I hope the spirited debate returns in some way.

Good luck.

Good luck to you, Bone. I rarely agreed with you, but I always counted you as an honest poster, regardless of your political leanings.

You were one of the good ones, I’ll miss you and hope you return one day.

I’m sorry to hear this. You made the board a better place.

I know you are no fan of mine but for the most part I respect those who value process, precedent, clarity, and lack of bias. It’s a shame that that’s so rare here and for the most part I think you were one of the few who actually appreciate impartiality and process. *Most *of the time. Lately bias, which has always been noticeable here has become more noticeable both by what is and more importantly isn’t said. If this place is to attract more diversity in opinion and keep that diversity the Pit has to go.

Thank you for your service as a mod. It is truly a thankless task. Well, mostly thankless. There is that iiandyiiii thread showing some love. :slight_smile:

I really wish it hadn’t come to this, Bone. Thank you.

Well, I’m not going to pretend this isn’t good news, because I think you were a terrible mod, but I hope this doesn’t mean you’re quitting as a poster too.

Thank you for your service as moderator. Those of us who post have no idea how much work mods put in behind the scenes. Thanks for all you did that we never knew about.

I hope your departure will prompt the powers that be to seriously consider how to make the SDMB more inclusive. (Hint: it’s a bigger task than interpreting and enforcing the rules.)

Best of luck to you, Bone.

youre not the first mod thats quit and left the board due to it turning too negative while we didnt agree with much with each other you werent a chest thumping idiot like a lot here on both sides…

as ive said i couldnt do the job too many damn rule lawyers on the board…

good luck

This is disappointing. I think you’ve served well, and I’m sorry to see you go. However, it’s a good thing you recognized that it’s time for you to step down. Good luck to your future.

Best wishes, Bone, and I’m sorry to see you go.

Thanks Bone, enjoyed having you around.

Are you sticking around as a poster, Bone?

Best wishes. Thank you very much. Please continue to post.

This sucks.

I thought you did a fine job. Thanks for making the effort to keep this place running - it’s a thankless and endless task, and I appreciate those who do it (most of the time, anyway).

I’ve got mixed feelings.

On the one hand, Bone, you were the best mod Great Debates has had in years. You modded with your finger outside the trigger guard. You did a lot of work organizing things, and you helped get rid of some of the worst offenders in your forums. And I appreciate that and thank you for it.

On the other hand, I think you’ve got a major blind spot, one you share with the other mods, and one that’s responsible for a great deal of the board’s decline.

That blind spot manifests in the demographics of your forums. While in the real world, a ton of women are politically active and discuss politics avidly, and while on the Straight Dope, there are plenty of women in other forums, in Great Debates and Elections, women are extremely rare. It’s not a mystery why: there have been multiple threads where women explicitly explain why.

That blind spot manifests in who you attacked at GiraffeBoards: you got super pissed at “fools”, but the only current (non-socked) Doper you attacked was a woman who’s spent time pushing back against our current board culture. That attack was important enough to you that you made it despite the rules that you value so highly.

Hell, that blind spot manifests even in your list of your favorite posters. Notice something they all have in common?

It’s not just you, but it’s toxic. I really hope that the SDMB is able to make some major changes to change our culture. One small but vital piece should be finding a woman to mod in Great Debates and Elections.

You are right about one thing Bone, there are some real two faced hypocritical cunts around, it must be seriously aggravating having to pander to them. Fair play for giving it a shot anyway.

I think Moderators have a very difficult job and receive a lot of unfair criticism from people who, quite frankly, are more concerned about trying to justify their questionable actions than they are with correcting their own behavior. I can understand why you are fed up, but I’m sad that it has come to that. We will miss you, and I hope that you will return as a regular poster.

Please stick around or maybe come back after a bit of a break. You said you have fun arguing here, maybe it will be fun again without the mod hat.

Thanks for your service, and I’ve stepped down from mod “jobs” in the past too so I get the mix of guilt and relief you’re probably feeling. I hope you continue to contribute here.