Good Morning/Good Night in other languages

There is someone I text daily with a message saying “Good morning” or something to that effect when I get up, and again with a “Good night” message before I go to sleep. I would like to add some variety by doing so in other languages but could use some help with the typical phrasing. I’m looking for casual vernacular that would be used between friends and family members more than strictly formal grammar. And other phrases equivalent to “sweet dreams” or “sleep well/sleep tight” would be greatly appreciated as well.

So, how do you Dopers around the world wish your friends and loved ones a good morning and good night?


full form, Buenos días (morning) / Buenas noches / Hasta mañana (good night / see you tomorrow)
abbreviated forms Buenas, Nas or Naaaaas (works at any hour, both as greeting and farewell), Ta mañana
other familiar forms: vamos a la cama (lit. we’re going to bed; said mostly by people at or below middle age as it comes from an old cartoon sending kids to bed)
que sueñes con los angelitos lit “dream about the little angels”, sweet dreams
que duermas bien, may you sleep well

full form, Bon día (morning) / Bona nit / Fins demà (good night / see you tomorrow)
que dormis bé, may you sleep well; dorm bé, sleep well

I don’t know the time-specific forms, but the general hello is kaixo and the general farewell is agur

Good morning: Selamat pagi
Good night/sleep: * Selamat tidur*

Guten Morgan and Gute Nacht in German

Dzien Dobry and Dobranoc in Polish

Bom dia (bom is pronounced with a long ‘o’, and the ‘m’ is sort of swallowed and becomes more like the ‘ng’ sound at the end of a word).

Good night or evening is boa noite, sort of like ‘bwa noyt’.

Bon soir. French goodnight.

Bon matin. French good morning.

Good morning: おはようございます ‎(ohayō gozaimasu). or less formal おはよう ‎(ohayō).
Good night: おやすみなさい ‎(oyasumi nasai), or less formal おやすみ ‎(oyasumi).

Thanks everyone so far, that’s a good start. Please keep them coming. SC

Welsh: bore da (good morning), nos da (good night)

Usually followed by “Ca va?” (sah vah) among friends, meaning “How’s it going?” In fact, there is often a whole ritual of asking after one’s family, etc.

In Fulfulde, greetings are generally in question form. Good morning would be " Fajiri Jam?", with the response being “Jam” (Good, Peaceful).

Good night is “Jam Walla”.


Dobro jutro. (good morning)
Dobra večer (good evening)


Dobro jutro.
Dobro veče.

Good night is laku noć or laka noć in both.

(j as y in yacht ; *č *and ć as ch in church)

[Minor nitpick]Morgen[Minor nitpick]

Good morning – בוקר טוב – BOker tov

Good evening – ערב טוב – ERev tov

Good night – לילה טוב – Laila tov

The French don’t really say bon matin, but rather bonjour. They don’t say bonsoir as “goodbye” either. It means the same thing as bonjour, except that you say it when it’s dark out (more or less). You can, though, say bonne nuit to people if you or them are going to bed.

French Canadians also say salut as hello and good bye.

Pronounced sa-lu

Yes, “more or less”. I once said “bon jour” to a Quebecois friend in Edmonton in June, about 4 hours before sunset (which is close to midnight there at that time of year). He corrected me to “bon soir”, even though the Sun was definitely up. I responded, “c’est jour” (It’s day), and he laughingly agreed. Le soir commences at about 6 p.m., regardless of where the Sun is.

In Finnish:

good night = “hyvää yötä”
(informal) good night = “öitä”

good morning = “hyvää huomenta”
(informal) mornin’ = “huomenta”

sweet dreams = “kauniita unia”
sleep well = “nuku hyvin”

Zao (good morning)
Mingtian jian (see you tomorrow)
Zai Jian (see you later, at another time)
88 (“ba ba”), (bye) (informal)
Bye-Bye (bye)
Hello (hello)

The last two are English imports, obviously. I’m not sure if “ba ba” is an English import, or just one of those similar sounds that pervades a whole lot of languages.

A good one in Thai is ratree sawat, which basically means “pleasant dreams.”