I really hate Rooms 2 Go because of their shitty customer service and the hassle I had with them in the past. But I’ve been looking around for new furniture and I can’t find anyone who even comes close to them in pricing.
I haven’t had my own apartment in like 5 years, and I haven’t had to by furniture in over 6.
Are there some good, cheap places online that can deliver fast? Are their places I should be looking for locally? Rooms 2 Go is also the only place I’ve seen around here with furniture that doesn’t make me want to throwup when I look at it. I’m not saying they have great looking furniture, but at least it’s better than the garbage I’ve been seeing.
So, does anyone have some good recommendations? And experience online? Any tips or tricks? When was the last time you bought furniture. Where did you go? Were you satisfied?
I’m not criticizing, I’m just thinking about shipping charges and wondering if it’s gonna cost you a bunch more to buy on-line.
If you can find a good local store, you get to see the stuff, touch the upholstery, sit in the chairs, feel the wood, see how it looks in room settings, etc. They’ll deliver, and if something has a defect that shows up later, you won’t have to ship it back.
Oh… I’m not limiting myself to online. I haven’t even looked online, cause I dont know where a good place to look online is. I’m saying that looking around locally is not producing the desired results. So there’s got to be a better alternative. What are the names of some national chain furniture stores that maybe I could look up and see if there’s one close?
I’ve been to some stores and outlets around here, and everything is terrible. And the ridiculous prices just add insult to injurt. Rooms to Go is the only place that has anything decent, and their prices are like HALF the price of the ugly furniture I’ve seen…
There’s got to be some other alternatives out there. I must be doing something wrong.
Columbus, GA. I think that’s my problem right there!!
As far as style, it depends on price. If I find a super comfortable (And clean) couch for like 200 bucks then I could be swayed to go that route. But currently I’m looking at the coordinated sets in the 1300-1500 dollar range. Like maybe this. When I looked at other stores around here, all I could find was stuff twice as much and half as decent looking.
I kinda like this thing, but if I got it, I wouldn’t end up getting the whole set. Maybe just the couch and the love seat.
People slam them but I think a lot of their stuff is pretty good for the price. You can check stuff out online, then call ahead for availability so no wasted trips. Possibly “Danish Modern” is not your style, but its worth a look. You might find it more useful for your smaller items (bookcases, end tables and such) even if their sofa design is a bit spare for you.
Well, stay away from Levitz. My mom and brother bought furniture there for years, and none of it lasted, not even the name brand stuff. It must have been seconds.
You might look for a local store that sells high quality items. Some of them have a secondhand department where you can buy trade-ins. (Ours does.)
I don’t know how it is in Georgia, but estate sales around here are a great resource. I’ve seen near new furniture go for peanuts – I think partly because you have to haul it yourself. You think twice about that gorgeous sectional going-going-gone for 50 bucks. Who’s gonna help ya move it?
Sorry you weren’t happy with Rooms2Go. They aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed when it comes to delivery, I agree. We got a loveseat from them (which is terrific - very comfortable and attractive, and the stain repellant they applied really works!) and couldn’t be there when it was delivered, so we told them just to leave it on the porch (we have a really large wraparound porch). So I get a call from the delivery guy on the delivery day asking me why no one’s home … no one had told them what to do. At least he called, instead of just driving away.
You can always check the paper, too, although having family in Columbus allows me to say that there’s gonna be some butt ugly couches there. Remember that Ugly Craigslist Couch thread we had here for a while?
Drive up to Atlanta and check out IKEA! Bring a truck with you. Not only are their prices excellent to begin with, they have a large section of their store where they sell marked down floor display items.