Good riddance to bad rubbish: Chuck Colson is dead

No; you are apparently either in denial, lying, or have been living under a rock since the 70s if you think they’ve felt any other way. Right back to the beginning, when Reagan and company dragged their heels as long a possible on doing anything at all, in the hopes that as many homosexuals as possible would die from it.

And he appointed a guy to head the anti-AIDS effort in America who thought that it could be cured by prayer.

Meh. It’s okay to be self-righteous when you really are more righteous.

I’m sure PRR has no doubt spent decades working to help society’s outcasts and their families live better lives, passing up more lucrative second careers to do so. More power to him in all that charity work he does.

Matter of fact, I have and I do. No brag, just fact. I’ve chosen to teach young people, often poor young people, writing skills to help them earn a living, at a considerable financial sacrifice compared to other members of my Ivy League graduating class, most of whom went on, with no better credentials than I had, to careers far more lucrative than a mere college professor’s. Your point being?

He just traded one scam for another.

I’m reminded of a line by Brad Pitt in Se7en.

So Red Shirt, do you?

What he was doing is so very bad and put the U.S. at such fundamental risk that I’m a little hard-pressed to see that his cohort is “so many” large. I’m rather inclined to lump him in with traitors like John Anthony Walker, who was also playing a extraordinarily dangerous game while being willfully blind to the broader implications.

Fuck that self-hating shit. I know I deserve a better “rest” than Colson because, for starters, I’ve never turned into the equivalent of the guy compiling a list of stores to hit come Kristallnacht.

My grandmother, the most Christian person I ever knew, assured me that when you repent your sins and fling yourself upon the infinite mercy of the Lord, you are redeemed, and your reservation on the Hellbound Train is cancelled.

So, when we get to Hell, Chuck won’t be there. I’d rather hang out with you guys, anyway.

It will always be Pledge Week, though. Forever.

Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld also came from the Nixon administration, they had learned “well”.

Wasn’t he Karl Rove’s dirty tricks mentor? I know Segretti was Rove’s direct boss, but didn’t Colson head up the dark side?

If so, his evil has outlived him.

So far as I can tell, he apparently believed so strongly that he shouldn’t have to go around saying sorry all the time that he didn’t do it at all.

That was my original point though. His actions didn’t really show any regret for his actual crimes. Its nice that he did some charity work after he got out of prison. I don’t see how that in any way indicates he was sorry for his actions, the actions that people were angry with him for have nothing to do with prisons or prisoners.

Plenty of awful people do good works in other areas of their lives.

I guess that depends on how many illegal abuses of executive power you’ve participated in.

:rolleyes: No.

And of course, I notice that you carefully avoid trying to produce any actual arguments against what I’m saying. You bash me instead of trying to defend the Republicans because they are simply indefensible.

You’re too predictable and your points never change. We get it. You believe all Republicans and Christians are Evil with a capital “E”. You view the world like a comic book in that any member of either of these groups is a super villain bent on mass murder. It’s insane and laughable.

And yet again; no attempt to defend the Republicans, instead you bash me. You merely underline my point. This has become standard; the Republicans are indefensible, so criticism of them is responded to by defaming the person making the accusation in an attempt to intimidate critics into silence.

Hell, I don’t think they’re evil, just they didn’t get a proper raisin’, is all.

I’m not even trying to defend the Republicans, you moron. Let me break it down for you:

Sane: “Republican social policies discriminate against homosexuals”
Insane: “Republicans are using biological warfare to kill American citizens”

See the difference?

:eek: Really? YOU?

Who would ever have expected THAT?

Do you put up a creche in front of your house for the holidays, with the Three Wise Men bayoneting the Baby Jesus?


Ellsberg?! That was all kid stuff, compared with what CREEP was really all about, which was to assure Nixon’s re-election in 1972 by sabotaging the primary campaign of every Dem contender but McGovern, who was judged easiest to beat. It worked. You can read the story in Nixonland, by Rick Perlstein.

No, he didn’t.