Bud Selig can go fuck himself

Major League Baseball has banned Red Sox legend Johnny Pesky from the Sox dugout. Pesky has been with the organization for 52 years. The right field foul pole is named after him ferchrissake. Only a bloodless, soulless, goat-felching prick would do something like this. Way to pick on an 85 year old man, you bastard.

Pesky’s story

Bud Selig is the spawn of satan


I read both stories, but I don’t understand why he was banned. Is there more info on this?

I haven’t found any more info either. I can understand having SOME restrictions on who’s in the dugout but he’s not just some random guy off the street plus he’s been there all season…

I sent a nasty e-mail to Major League Baseball–maybe they’ll clue me in.

There’s probably a rule that says you must be a member of the roster or ML coaching staff to stay in the dugout during the game. Pesky isn’t.

Ahhhh, good old Rule 3.17

I have Bud’s office number. Mods, is it OK for me to post it?

Email it to me if not? Weirddave0 at hotmail dot com. Thanks!

Consider it sent.

What the name of all that is holy is “bench jockeying”?

I’d assume heckling the opposing team. I don’t know if it’d also include chatter for your team.

Perhaps the Red Sox should symbolically hire Pesky as a coach.

Is there a limit to how many coaches there can be? Or is there an extension of the dugout on one end where he could sit? If Bip Roberts* can sit in the dugout during a game, this guy should be able to.

*-Bip helps with the Fox Sports Giants’ broadcasts. He’s more useless than Jai Rodriguez and Kim Bauer combined.

If Mr. Petsky isn’t one of the people allowed to sit on the bench under rule 3.17, then what’s the problem with not allowing him to sit on the bench? Shouldn’t MLB enforce their rules?

…and while we’re at it, how about another big, hearty Fuck You to Selig and that committee-thingy, for the non-decision on moving the Expos to DC. I know it’s still up in the air, but if this deal tanks because of Angelos, Washington-area residents ought not give that rat bastard another fucking dime.

:smack: wll, I guess that’s really two or three Fuck You’s, but what the hell, it’s the pit…

You name your foul poles? :dubious:
After people? :dubious: :dubious:
As an honor? :dubious: :dubious: :dubious:

Are you sure you didn’t misunderstand? I can imagine a situation where a player collides with the foul pole and misses a crucial catch. You then overhear someone yell “That pesky foul pole!”, but that doesn’t mean it was named after Johnny Pesky.

Otherwise, I can see an 85 year old man proudly saying to his great-grandson “That there foul pole is named after me! No, not that one, the other one”.

Sounds like someone not being quite good enough to have a road named after them and having to settle for a light pole.

What is Pesky’s Pole?
Even though Pesky’s Pole was dubbed that in the 1950s, the phrase really didn’t become popular until the late 1980s or early 1990s. According to former Red Sox star Johnny Pesky, it was Sox pitcher Mel Parnell who coined the term, after Pesky hit a home run just beyond Fenway Park’s right-field foul pole. That home run — one of only six homers Pesky ever hit at Fenway Park — won the game for Parnell.


If not as a coach, why don’t they hire him as a batboy? They should give any bullshit job title that will get him into the dugout and Selig can go fuck himself.

Why does bud Selig hate baseball so much?

I can’t find anything in the rules limiting the number of coaches a team may have. The Sox should appoint Pesky “Deputy Bench Coach” or something similar and let him keep his spot.

Like Selig is going to fuck himself. He’s an ugly man. That’s why he’s so bitter.

Sheeesh. Even Selig has some standards. Granted, we know those standards are low, but they at least aren’t that low.