Good roleplaying games?

I’d like to play some more roleplaying games, can anybody reccomend some good ones. Ones I’ve enjoyed are:[ul]
[li]Fallout Series[/li][li]Baldur’s Gate, Icewind Dale, Torment[/li][li]Ultima Series, except IX[/li][li]Phantasy Star/Final Fantasy, up to IX (no PS2)[/li][li]Betrayl at/Return to Krondor[/li][li]Morrowind[/li][/ul]

Ideally I’m looking for something isometric, I like it when North is toward the top of the screen and stays that way.
Combat either turn based or real time with pause, no twitch playing needed.
Semi open-ended, with enough of a plot hook to drive you in some kind of organized order without railroading you.

None of the above are individually deal-brakers though.

I’ve recently started playing Oblivion. It’s the next game in the Elder Scrolls series after Morrowind.

It’s pretty much exactly like Morrowind in game and play style. It is prettier than Morrowind but it is a lot more taxing on the computer.

[QUOTE=Mr Shine]

[li]Phantasy Star/Final Fantasy, up to IX (no PS2)[/li][/QUOTE]

You should consider getting a PS2. There are lots of good RPGs on the system and most of them are really cheap nowadays considering the push on the next gen systems. Final Fantasy X and XII, Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Dragon Quest, Okami, and others are all PS2 rpgs that I’ve enjoyed a lot.

Diablo 1 and 2 (especially 2) may interest you if you’d like something for the PC.

Have you got a SNES? The Breath of Fire series is pretty good. Earthbound is awesome if you can score a copy.

On the PS1, Suikoden 1 is excellent and the second is supposed to be really good as well.

Diablo for PS2
Diablo II and all it’s expansions…for the PC

Speaking of Diablo, keep an eye out for Mythos. It’s from the same guys and, from what I understand, was originally created to test out Hellgate’s servers.

Neverwinter Nights and it’s expansions.
To a lesser extent, Neverwinter Nights 2.

Knights of the Old Republic jumps out as missing from that list since you’ve played other Bioware games but haven’t played this. Even if you don’t care for the Star Wars theme it is an effective game. In my opinion it is the best game Bioware has done, but I can’t stand the way they implement the square peg of D&D combat in the round hole of real-time in their other games.

I am awaiting the inevitable person who pops into the thread to recommend a game that is in no way an RPG who then defends it by saying “You play a role!” and then gets huffy when it’s pointed out that definition means all games are RPG’s.

Somebody already recommended Diablo :slight_smile:

If you want to go old-school, you might want to try Wizardry 8 (or potentially its predecessors).

If you want a good game that straddles the border of RPG and action, try Divine Divinity (it has a sequel but I haven’t played it yet).

I’m also fond of Arcanum.