Goodbye Michigan, Hello Virginia. Goodbye USA, Hello UK

Hi y’all. I just thought I’d tell those of you who might care about my upcoming life changes.

First I’m quitting my job and moving to central Virginia, where I’ll be helping my best friend out on her horse farm for a few months. Then, in the Spring, I’m off to London for a job I have lined up there.

I’ll miss all the MichiDopers lots and I’m looking forward to becoming a Londoper in the future. I’ll probably be laying fairly low during my time in VA, the farm is waaay out in the country and I plan on catching up with my reading and all my craft projects. :slight_smile:

What? No! But…you live in Michigan! My world is askew!

Good luck. When are you going? I’ll have to make it out to Michigan before you go.

As the British would say (well, at least RickQ), Good on you for deciding to take the pluge! A decision as big as this one isn’t easily made, but I am glad you decided to go for it. Not everyone gets this kind of chance and it seemed like a shame to me to waste it.

Would you like to have a Michigan dopefest to say goodbye? We’re always up for one. :slight_smile:

Where in Virginia will you be? There are a few dopers here in Central VA and you’re probably going to be closer than you think.

its quite hard to become a LonDoper you know - we’re a pretty exclusive group :wink:

Hm… What if I bring lots and lots of cheap Virginia cigs… can I buy my way in?


Oops, plnnr didn’t see your post there. I’ll be in Culpeper.

Beautiful, beautiful part of the Commonwealth. Right in the foothills of the Blue Ridge. You’ll even be close enough to Fredericksburg to go to Carl’s Frozen Custard Stand (you’ll thank me for this suggestion).

You’re also about an hour from Richmond or DC. Maybe it’s time for a Richmond DopeFest.

If Garius won’t let you become a Londoper you are more than welcome here in the South West to be a Brisdoper (am I alone ?) It’s a lovely place once you get used to the accent !

I’d say it’s PAST time for a Richmond 'Fest.

I can’t believe you almost wrote that with a straight face. :wink:

(Don’t pay garius any mind; I can personally attest that the BritDopers are a most hospitable bunch, and that they probably will be happy to raise a glass (or two, or a dozen) in your honor once you arrive.

Culpeper! That’s right near me! I live in Charlottesville when I’m not at school, which is a short stone’s throw away.

C-ville is great. I highly recommend going there and seeing what it has to offer–it’s a really nice city. The whole area is really beautiful. Feel free to email me (lquandt at haverford dot edu) if you want any info, tips, or tricks about the area! Welcome (and sorry you’re leaving so soon!)!