Goodnight, Gracie

My 13-year-old Golden, Grace, passed away this afternoon. I rescued her from the Humane Society when she was 6 weeks old. She was the most even-tempered and loving dog that anyone could want. When she was younger, I could play fetch with her until my arm was ready to fall off, and her tongue looked like a wide tie from the 60’s. She loved people, and would want every visitor to play with her. She would wag so hard that it looked like the tail wagging the dog.

Here she is the day we got her.

And here she is, a few weeks ago.

She will be missed.

Goodnight Gracie, you were a beauty.

Gracie was a good girl. I am sorry. I hope you find peace knowing you gave her a good life. I lost my Rat Terrier a few years ago. Her name was Gracie too.:frowning:

I’m sorry for your loss, beowulff. We lost our Gracie 2 years ago–Golden/Border Collie mix, 14.5 YO, rescued from HS; sounds like we had the same dog as you. I’ll boast that any dog with a smidge of Golden is an exceptional critter. And rescue dogs try harder. You just know there’s another K9 out there with your name on it; get busy. :wink:

So sorry Beowulf.

We’ve lost three over the past 30 years. They’re all still missed. We’re both a little too old to get a large dog as we couldn’t pick it up if necessary, so we’re dogless except for our neighbor’s who comes to play. He looks a bit like out last.

Bye, good dog Grace. Say Hi to my Zelda… she’s the one trying to rescue anyone in the celestial waters whether they can swim or not :slight_smile:

I lost my 17 year old cat last week. I miss him.

Goodnight, Gracie.:frowning:

I’m sorry, Beowolf.

My deep condolences, Beowulf.

RIP, Gracie.

She was a beautiful dog.

Thanks for sharing your loving tribute thoughts and photos of your beautiful companion, Gracie. I’m sorry she’s gone. My best to you during a painful time.

A few more photos:

Grace with a frisbee.
Grace and Andy
Playing with a golf ball.
Beautiful girl.
Grace and Buddy.

Beautiful tribute in pictures, beowulff. I’m so sorry for your loss.

The Killer Elite send their regards. Sorry, Bud. :frowning:

I can’t see the pictures, but I’m sure she is beautiful.

My condolences to you and your family. Thank you for sharing her with us. She looks like an amazing dog. {{{hugs}}}

All dogs go to heaven. Maybe she will meet up with my namesake Bubba (also a Golden) and they can share a steak.

^ Had to post this:

This one always get me.

^ Where are the Kleenex?

My condolences, beowulff. She sounds like she was a great dog. You were lucky to get so much time with her, but it’s never enough, is it.

Thank you for that. We lost Tilly a few weeks ago, and I’ve had a bad few days thinking of her lately. That’s a sweet cartoon.