Google Calculator is even smarter than I thought.

I did a quick search and didn’t notice this posted in any of the other “Google is Great” threads.

While having an inexplicable (and hopefully very temporary) brain fart, I forgot the answer to one of life’s most important questions. Very Ash "Klaatu Barada cough cough Williams of me. Google’s calculator delivers the answer to this query:

what is the answer to life the universe and everything
Google Calculator rocks.

Oh yes! Very very cool!

Tres neato. :smiley:


Brilliant. :cool:

Yet another reason to just love Google to pieces.

Too cool.

I’d forgotten about Google calculator. Now I can tell my American friends how much I’m paying for gas… in units they can understand!

Hmmm… 1.099 CAD per litre in USD per gallon… Damn. Yeah, that’s a lot of money. And now they’ll believe me!

Well, it’s not *all that * - It doesn’t seem to know what the the angle of the dangle is proportionate to.

But it does seem to know how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood

Did it say “ZOT!!” ?

(of all the keywords the Google ads could have picked up on in my OP, it decides the most important one is “fart”? And wants to sell us “fart machines”? Good Og, Google, I already have a husband and two cats. Feed the former and scare the latter for best results.)

It’s all very well that it knows the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything, but does it know the question?

Apparently not.

I had to check this out for myself.

I posted the exact same question the OP did and this is the answer it gave ME:

the answer to life the universe and everything = 42

Remind me not to let Google do my homework for me. :smiley:

Um…why not? That’s the correct answer. Or am I being whooshed?

I’m stoked to discover easy units conversion is available from google. I don’t have to worry about finding a conversion site, it’s already right there. “two gallons in liters” produces an answer. Very cool.

Ask Google "what is the answer to life the universe and everything in binary? :cool:

Ask Google "what is the answer to life the universe and everything in hex? :smiley:



24 fortnights = 336.919938 sidereal days


It knows octal too, but not ternary. Dang.

Wooshed I think :).

It is funny how everyone almost seems to accept that 42 really is the correct answer to the ultimate question, not just something out of a comedy/sci-fi novel!