Google Docs assistance, please

I am preparing a playbill for my chorus’ upcoming show. Last time I did one, I used MS Word. But the version I had didn’t work on OS X Yosemite, so I dumped it. Now I have OS X El Capitan. I have been using Google docs for a while, and it suits my needs BUT I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do columns without making a table. Could any of you help me? Maybe point me to the appropriate add-on? Because I looked thru the add-ons list and didn’t see any that could make newsletter style columns.
Thank you in advance

Hey anyrose. :slight_smile: Google Docs doesn’t have the ability to do columns yet, as far as I know. Tables are necessary. Is there a reason you don’t want to use a table?

There are a bunch of newsletter/newspaper style templates here.

Since the link brings me to my Google docs, there are no templates in the “public templates” tab

Tables wouldn’t work because of the constant editing I will have to do over the next couple of weeks as ads and text come in


Thank you!

Even better, NeoOffice or LibreOffice.

First: No, no, don’t overwhelm me with such effusive gratitude, it’s too embarrassing!*

Second: I wonder why it doesn’t show up for you. They’re not my templates, since I don’t have any either. They’re called “public” for a reason–they’re templates others have made available, and are the results of a search for “newsletters” or “newspapers” in Google’s public templates section.

Third: I didn’t realize you were really looking for something other than Google Docs. I’ll second OpenOffice. Or, if you want something professional (especially if it needs to be printed out), Adobe’s InDesign is a great choice, although the learning curve might be steep. Costs $20 a month (paid annually) or $30 paid monthly.

  • Dude, seriously, not even a “Thanks, but… (etc.)”? I think Collins might be having too much influence on you! :smiley:

Of course thank you! Must have been my inner Collins :wink: :smiley:

And, again thank you because on my desktop iMac, the link worked. It was on my iPad that nothing showed up. Weird.

I wasn’t, initially. I’d prefer to keep everything in one place. But if none of the templates I can now see do the trick, I’ll grab one of the open source clones

Your Mac should also have Pages, which I think can do columns. You can then save it as a PDF and still host it on your Google Docs account if you wanted to. Or share it via iCloud.