GOOGLE Not Paying Its ADSENSE Partners?

Do you run a blog on GOOGLE and do you have a place on it that allows people to click on advertisers and you get like 2 cents every time they do?

Well I do too, and I just checked the ADSENSE forums and there’s some guy complaining that he’s owed $2000.00 since February and hasn’t been paid yet.

Anyone else experiencing this?

I’d link you to it, but I am not sure that’s allowed here…


Why are you putting names in ALL-CAPS?

According to Google, they cut you a check when your ad revenue hits $100, which means he should have gotten a number of checks before now. One has to wonder why he’s only now starting complaining.

Fuckifino. Just felt like it I guess.

Don’t know, but he isn’t the only one. I have read of several others since I posted that…

Well, I’ve got about $21 to go before I’ve made enough to get my first check (hint, hint), so if I don’t get mine when I’m supposed to, I’ll let you know.

I got mine a few weeks ago. $167
Maybe the dude hasn’t declared his tax status yet. Until he does, no Google money for him.

He was asked that question (basically “Did you jump through all the hoops?”) and his reply was that when it concerns that much money, why wouldn’t I have followed all the steps?

He’s hoping for his money by Christmas.

I’ll follow the thread and see what develops.

My take so far?

A whopping $2.22! :wink:


Note he did not say yes. He gave an answer like someone in criminal court that thinks he can misdirect the judge. I think he didn’t do some critical step and is trying the embarrass them so they pay him to shut up stunt.

Sure sounds that way, doesn’t it?

Don’t know if you saw the thread, but he’s in there several times asking the mod (or chief poster) if he’s heard anything yet?

Each time the reply has been “not yet”.

Interesting. Especially given the fact that Google doesn’t seem to have any money problems. (That I know of anyway).


My money just shows up in my savings account. I usually have money electronically deposited in my checking account, but I thought it would be easier to track elsewhere. I wonder if the problem could be something as simple and stupid as that: he forget which account he had them send the money to electronically.

Damn - I hope they’re still paying - mine is creeping toward its first payout. Only in the last month or so have I started earning proper money on Adsense.

My WAG is that there was something wrong with his site- Malware or something. Or perhaps as Harmonious Discord guessed, he has not given them all the req’d info.

Google can also tell if the clicks are being done by bots, or by the same PC, and buried in the fine print, it says they’ll withhold payment under such circumstances.

Hmmmmm. My $2.22 has suddenly jumped to $4.93! :smiley:

Guess none of y’all would know anything about that, huh? :wink:



Nary a clue.

I jumped through all of the appropriate hoops and had no troubles getting my check for AdSense. I think there’s a month delay between when you reach the cutoff point and when the check is mailed. I’m coming up on my second check now, too. It’s not exactly making me cash hand over fist or anything, but it’s pretty nice.

Uh- huh!.:wink:

Well, I just wanted you to know that I know where your name comes from and I too think our favorite automobile was never given a chance!

Visionary doesn’ t begin to describe this man!

In honor of Tuckerfan!


Just checked that forum again, and from the number of “I’m having a problem” posts, I think their AdSense system could do with a major overhaul.

Agree/Disagree, Bloggers?



A bump to state that I got my payment when I was supposed to.