Google Sheets help (regexreplace)

I have a column of data that has been imported, A2:A1000. Along the way, it has been concatenated from two columns, using “AND”, “OR” or “WITH”. I only need the front half of this information. I also need it to be an exact case match, because sometimes the data in A:A could be “AmpersandWITHRedPyramid”, and a non-case match would return “Ampers”.

I’m thinking, put the terms I want to search/replace somewhere, like Column Z (Z1:Z3). But then I have no clue.

Try this

This might work :-


Put that in B2 and copy it to B3-B1000

I’d really prefer to not use the AND/OR/WITH in the formula - as the list is actually about 30 words long.

You can construct the regex string with something like:
=CONCATENATE("((", TEXTJOIN("|", FALSE, Z1:Z30), ")\w+)")

This isn’t working - it’s spits out the same text.

this is working for me

Perfect! Now I’ll try to figure out the TEXTJOIN, and then I’ll add a SPLIT.

Sorry - it’s actually only working on the first delimiter.

I got it! The “w” was throwing things off.

ARRAYFORMULA(REEXREPLACE(A:A, TEXTJOIN(“|”, false, $Z$1:$Z$30, “+”), “$”). Then I’ll do a LEFT(B:B, FIND(“$”, B:B)-1).

Guess I don’t understand your question, thought you wanted to keep everything before the AND|OR|WITH .
Oh well, if you got it to work Good!