April 15, 2005, 3:06am
Well, we all know the GOP marches in lockstep to the beat of a war drum, and all Republicans are racist, right-wing, women-hating, oil snorting homophobes. It’s a given around here.
As a gift I present to you not one, but 44 HoR GOP’ers to bash in the latest Medicare budget story
You’re welcome.
Umm-- according to the article it is Medicaid, not Medicare. Even the most dimwitted of Republicans aren’t stupid enough to cut MediCARE!
Well, we all know the GOP marches in lockstep to the beat of a war drum, and all Republicans are racist, right-wing, women-hating, oil snorting homophobes. It’s a given around here.
As a gift I present to you not one, but 44 HoR GOP’ers to bash in the latest Medicare budget story
You’re welcome.
Nope, not all of them. Nor are all of them total idiots.
You, however, are all of these things.
April 15, 2005, 3:45am
Medicaid. :smack: For some reason I keep lumping the two together as one entity. Thanks for clearing it up.
Hey galen , get bent.
April 15, 2005, 3:47am
Yeah, and you just wait. It’s only a matter of time before some fucking GOP apologist like duffer shows up in here to… uh…
Hi, duffer .
I guess it’s time for Brutus to wander in and yell 'YU R THE UXX0R !!!111OMG!!!111
So, 44 out of a couple of hundred GOP congressmen are interested in not cutting the poor’s medical benefits. Good for them.
In the same week, the House has:
passed a bankruptcy bill that restrains bad borrowers, but does not restrain bad lending.
voted to enshrine Paris Hilton’s inheritance as tax free. Thank goodness the republic is looking after her.
Color me unimpressed.
April 15, 2005, 6:10am
According to this page, there are 222 Republican representatives in the House.
Dare we ask how the other 178 feel about cutting Medicaid benefits?
You like A perfect Circle too?
Hooray! 20% of Republican congressmen are not completely heartless fuckers!