GOP think tank spot "We are facing a new recession" REALLY!?

There is an anti Obama spot running here stating that we are now facing a second recession.

  1. How true is this claim?

  2. How can they get away stating this, if it is wrong?

Not familiar with the spot, but going off the fiscal cliff might send us into a new recession, by arbitrarily cutting much government spending by 25% and raising taxes on certain people without regards to if it’s the right time or means to do so.

The identity of those who hope us to take us off this cliff is left as an exercise to the reader. But it’s the same people who have explicitly avowed to do anything they can to hold power.

Who knows? We can’t predict recessions.

It can’t be proven wrong. But what makes you think one can’t lie in a political ad? Free speech doesn’t mean only speech which can be proven to be correct.

Here’s one fund manager’s weekly comment. He believes we entered a recession last quarter. I don’t believe he’s a Republican, though.

Well, if Romney is elected, and he cuts government spending by a whole pile, a recession will probably follow. So they’re correct.